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Minutes -City of San Leandro City Council Meeting <br />September 21, 1998 <br />Page 5 <br />John Jermanis, City Manager, described the process to Mr. Norry and noted the <br />site is eligible for consideration for speed humps; but, given the process and next <br />steps to be followed, the humps are not assured. <br />The Mayor encouraged Mr. Norry to continue his involvement in the process. <br />G. Laverne Anderson, 1495 - 159` Avenue, addressed the Council and thanked <br />Wandzia Grycz, Assistant City Manager, for her presentation to the Bonaire Civic <br />League. He thanked the City for prior repairs on Fairway Drive but noted that this <br />morning there were two large holes in the street. <br />The City Manager said he will have staff take a look at that area. <br />5. CONSENT CALENDAR <br />Consent Calendar items are typically routine in nature and are considered for approval <br />by the City Council with one single action. The City Council may remove items from <br />the Consent Calendar for purposes of discussion. Items listed on the Consent <br />Calendar are deemed to have been read by title. <br />Items 5.B and S.C were removed from the Consent Calendar to New Business. <br />The remaining items on the Consent Calendar were approved as follows: <br />M/S/C Loeffler and Galvan. Ayes: 7; Noes: 0 <br />A. Minutes of the Meeting of September 8, 1998. Approved as submitted. <br />B. Resolution Approving a Contractual Services Agreement with Jerry Haag, Urban <br />Planner, Relating to Preparation of an Environmental Impact Report and Blight <br />Analyses for a Redevelopment Plan for the Proposed West San Leandro/ <br />MacArthur Boulevard Project Area. Cost: $94,000. Removed from the <br />Consent Calendar to New Business. <br />C. Resolution Approving Plans and Specifications and Calling for Bids for <br />Farnsworth/Manor Intersection Improvements, Project No. 98-210-33-053 <br />(provides for street improvements at Farnsworth/Manor intersection, landscape <br />improvements at the four quadrants, and installation of streetlights). Removed <br />from the Consent Calendar to New Business. <br />