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Establishment of OPEB Trust <br />May 18, 2009 <br />not been accumulated to pay that obligation, there is an unfunded portion. The ARC is the <br />amount required to pay both the current or normal cost and to retire the unfunded portion <br />(Unfunded Actuarial Accrued Liability) over a specified time, usually 20 to 30 years. <br />Along with periodic actuarial valuations, it is a practical necessity for an agency to establish both <br />an OPEB Health Care Plan and OPEB Trust to obtain the financial reporting benefits of GASB <br />45. Not adhering to GASB 45 would endanger the City's "clean" opinion on its financial <br />statements and possibly negatively impact future bond ratings. For these reasons, and sound <br />fmancial planning, staff is recommending adoption of the attached enabling documents. <br />Retiree Medical-Current and Future Policy <br />Currently, the City funds retiree medical benefits on a "pay as you go"basis. That is, the City <br />budgets only for the amount that has to be paid in a particular fiscal year for qualified retirees. <br />No funding is provided for future benefits. <br />Council indicated through the budget process that it wishes to begin funding the City's OPEB <br />obligation on an actuarial basis, which is to pay an annual amount that covers both current costs <br />and starts to accumulate assets to pay future costs. <br />More specifically, Council had an actuarial study of the City's OPEB obligation prepared as of <br />June 30, 2007. The actuarial valuation provides essential information about benefit payments <br />including the computation of any UAAL and the ARC, both of which are required disclosures for <br />GASB 45. <br />In addition, Council set aside funds in the City's Self Insurance Fund, and currently has $1.' <br />million available to use in transitioning from a "pay as you go"basis to an actuarially based <br />payment policy. <br />Establishment of a Plan and Trust <br />Moving to an actuarially funded OPEB plan requires several steps. Documents that must be <br />adopted by Council include a Public Agencies Post-Retirement Health Care Plan. This <br />document sets out such information as eligible employees, City contributions and funding and <br />investment information. The Plan is adopted through the use of an Adoption Agreement. <br />The Adoption Agreement also adopts the Public Agencies Post-Retirement Health Care Plan <br />Trust Agreement. The Trust receives contributions from the City, pays benefits and invests <br />accumulated funds in accordance with instructions provided by the "Plan". The funds of the <br />Trust are held for the exclusive purpose of providing OPEB benefits and cannot be used for any <br />other purpose, including any other obligations of the City. <br />In addition, staff is also requesting that Council authorize, by adoption of the attached resolution, <br />the City Manager to enter into an administrative services contract to provide such services as <br />record keeping, monthly reporting and monitoring for compliance with federal and state laws. <br />