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1N THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN LEANDRO <br />RESOLUTION NO.2009- <br />RESOLUTION ADOPTING AN OTHER POST EMPLOYMENT BENEFITS (OPEB) PLAN <br />AND TRUST, APPOINTMENT OF A PLAN AND TRUST ADMNISTRATOR, <br />AUTHORIZATION OF AN ADMINSTRATIVE SERVICES AGREEMENT AND <br />AUTHORIZATION OF THE 2008-09 OPEB CONTRIBUTION OF $500,000 FROM THE <br />CITY'S SELF INSURANCE FUND <br />WHEREAS it is determined to be in the best interest of the City of San Leandro (the <br />"City") to participate in the PARS Public Agencies Post-Retirement Health Care Plan Trust (the <br />"Program") to fund post-employment benefits for its employees as specified in the City's <br />policies and/or applicable collective bargaining agreements; and <br />WHEREAS the City is eligible to participate in the Program, atax-exempt trust and plan <br />performing an essential governmental function within the meaning of Section 115 of the Internal <br />Revenue Code, as amended, and the Regulations issued thereunder, and is atax-exempt trust <br />under the provisions of the relevant statutory provisions of the State of California. <br />NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: <br />L The City Council hereby adopts the PARS Public Agencies Post-Retirement <br />Health Care Plan Trust, including the PARS Public Agencies Post-Retirement Health Care Plan, <br />as part of the City Retirement Program, effective as of the date of execution of the operative <br />agreement(s); and <br />2. The City Council hereby appoints the City Manager or his/her successor or his/her <br />designee as the City's Plan Administrator for the Program; and <br />3. The City's Plan Administrator is hereby authorized to execute the PARS <br />Adoption Agreement and related legal documents on behalf of the City and to take whatever <br />additional actions are necessary to maintain the City's participation in the Program and to <br />maintain compliance of any relevant regulation issued or as may be issued; therefore, authorizing <br />him/her to take whatever additional actions are required to administer the City's PARS plan(s). <br />4. The City Council hereby authorizes the City's Plan Administrator to transfer <br />$500,000 from the Self Insurance Fund to the OPEB Trust. <br />Introduced by Councilmember and passed and adopted this <br />18th day of May, 2009, by the following called vote: <br />