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watershed. Key components ofBay-Friendly landscaping include reducing waste and using <br />recycled content materials; nurturing healthy soils while reducing fertilizer use; conserving <br />water, energy and topsoil; using Integrated Pest Management (IPM) to minimize chemical use; <br />reducing stormwater runoff; and creating wildlife habitat. <br />(f) The City finds that Bay-Friendly landscape design and construction decisions <br />made by the City in the construction and maintenance of landscapes can result in significant cost <br />savings to the City over the life of the projects. <br />(g) The City fmds that it is critical to both the economic and environmental health of <br />the City that the City provides leadership to both the private and public sectors in the area of <br />Bay-Friendly landscaping. <br />(h) The most immediate and meaningful way to do so is to include Bay-Friendly <br />landscaping elements in City landscape projects and in landscape projects built aspublic-private <br />partnerships, and to encourage private landscape projects to include Bay-Friendly landscaping <br />elements. <br />(i) Bay-Friendly landscaping design, construction, operations and maintenance <br />techniques have been increasingly utilized in residential and commercial landscape construction. <br />(j) In Alameda County, StopWaste.Org has taken the lead in defining and promoting <br />environmentally friendly landscaping for the commercial, institutional and residential sectors by <br />developing the Bay-Friendly Landscape Guidelines for professional landscapers and the Bay- <br />Friendly Gardening Guide for residents. <br />(k) Requiring City Projects and public-private partnership projects to incorporate <br />Bay-Friendly Landscape Guidelines is necessary and appropriate to achieving the benefits of <br />sustainable landscaping in the City. <br />3-22-110 DEFINITIONS. For the purposes of this Chapter, the following definitions shall <br />apply: <br />(a) "Bay-Friendly Landscape Guidelines" means the most recent version of guidelines <br />developed by StopWaste.Org for use in the professional design, construction and maintenance of <br />Landscapes. City staff shall maintain the most recent version of the Bay-Friendly Guidelines at <br />all times. <br />(b) "Bay-Friendly Landscaping Scorecard" means the most recent version of the <br />Bay-Friendly Landscaping points system developed by StopWaste.Org. City staff shall maintain <br />the most recent version of the Bay-Friendly Landscaping Scorecard at all times. The applicable <br />version of the Bay Friendly Guidelines scorecard will be that in effect at the time of design <br />documentation for any covered project. <br />(c) "City Landscape Project" means any new construction or renovation of a <br />Landscape owned or maintained by a City Department or Agency and excludes Traditional <br />Public Works Projects. <br />(d) "Covered Project" means all new Landscaping projects or Renovations of <br />Landscapes, including landscaped street medians and planting strips, that equal or exceed <br />$100,000 in construction costs of the landscaped area and constitute a minimum of 2,500 square <br />feet of softscape and are either owned or maintained by a City Department or Agency or <br />developed as aPublic-Private Partnership. <br />(e) "Bay-Friendly Landscaping Compliance Official" means the designated staff <br />person(s) authorized and responsible for implementing this Chapter. <br />ORDINANCE N0.2009-007 2 <br />