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Local Assistance Procedures Manual EXHIBIT 9-A <br />Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Implementation Agreement for Local Agencies <br />IV Annua! DBE Submittal Forrn (§26.21) <br />The RECIPIENT will provide to the Caltrans District Local Assistance Engineer (DLAE) a completed Local <br />Agency DBE Annual Submittal Form (Exhibit 9-B) by June 1 of each year for the following Federal Fiscal Year <br />(FFY). This form includes an Annual Anticipated DBE Participation Level (AADPL), methodology for <br />establishing the AADPL, the name, phone number, and electronic mailing address of the designated DBELO, and <br />the choice of Prompt Pay Provision to be used by the RECIPIENT for the following FFY. <br />V Race-Neutral Means of Meeting the Overall Statewide Annual DBE Goal (§26.51) <br />RECIPIENT must meet the maximum feasible portion of its AADPL by using race-neutral means of facilitating <br />DBE participation. Race-neutral DBE participation includes any time a DBE wins a prime contract through <br />customary competitive procurement procedures, is awarded a subcontract on a prime contract that does not carry a <br />DBE goal, or even if there is a DBE goal, wins a subcontract from a prime contractor that did not consider its <br />DBE status in making the award (e.g., a prime contractor that uses a strict low-bid system to award subcontracts). <br />Race-neutral means include, but are not limited to, the following: <br />1. Arranging solicitations, times for the presentation of bids, quantities, specifications, and delivery <br />schedules in ways that facilitate DBE, and other small businesses, participation (e.g., unbundling large <br />contracts to make them more accessible to small businesses, requiring or encouraging prime contractors <br />to subcontract portions of work that they might otherwise perform with their own forces); <br />2. Providing assistance in overcoming limitations such as inability to obtain bonding or financing (e.g., by <br />such means as simplifying the bonding process, reducing bonding requirements, eliminating the impact of <br />surety costs from bids, and providing services to help DBEs, and other small businesses, obtain bonding <br />and financing); <br />3. Providing technical assistance and other services; <br />4. Carrying out information and communication programs on contracting procedures and specific contract <br />opportunities (e.g., ensuring the inclusion of DBEs, and other small businesses, on recipient mailing lists <br />of bidders; ensuring the dissemination to bidders on prime contracts of lists of potential subcontractors; <br />provision of information in languages other than English, where appropriate); <br />5. Implementing a supportive services program to develop and improve immediate and long-term business <br />management, record keeping, and financial and accounting capability for DBEs and other small <br />businesses; <br />6. Providing services to help DBEs, and other small businesses, improve long-term development, increase <br />opportunities to participate in a variety of types of work, handle increasingly significant projects, and <br />achieve eventual self-sufficiency; <br />7. Establishing a program to assist new, start-up firms, particularly in fields in which DBE participation has <br />historically been low; <br />8. Ensuring distribution of your DBE directory, through print and electronic means, to the widest feasible <br />universe of potential prime contractors; and <br />9. Assisting DBEs, and other small businesses, to develop their capability to utilize emerging technology <br />and conduct business through electronic media. <br />Page 9-29 <br />LPP 09-xx March 27, 2009 <br />