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IN THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN LEANDRO <br />RESOLUTION NO. 2009 - <br />RESOLUTION IN SUPPORT OF SPENDING OF FEDERAL ECONOMIC RENEWAL <br />GRANTS TO THE CITY OF SAN LEANDRO ON AMERICAN PRODUCED PRODUCTS <br />WHEREAS, the economic downturn is having a critical impact on Americans <br />who are struggling to maintain or find jobs in an increasingly difficult environment; and <br />WHEREAS, those same Americans are the taxpayers that provide the revenue <br />needed to operate essential government services; and <br />WHEREAS, Congress has approved, and President Obama has signed into law, a <br />taxpayer-sponsored economic recovery package that will provide billions of dollars to <br />help economically devastated cities and states immediately provide jobs to millions of <br />out-of--work Americans through considerable infrastructure rebuilding, green energy <br />projects and other projects that will require manufactured components; and <br />WHEREAS, our taxpayer dollars should be spent to maximize the creation of <br />American jobs and restore the economic vitality of our communities; and <br />WHEREAS, any domestically produced products that are purchased with <br />economic recovery plan monies will immediately help struggling American families and <br />will help stabilize our greater economy; and <br />WHEREAS, any economic recovery plan spending should, to every extent <br />possible, include a commitment from the City of San Leandro to buy materials, goods <br />and services for projects from companies that are produced within the United States, thus <br />employing the very workers that pay the taxes for the economic recovery plan spending. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of San Leandro does <br />RESOLVE as follows: <br />That the City of San Leandro will work to maximize the creation of American <br />jobs and restore economic growth and opportunity by spending economic recovery plan <br />funds on products and services that both create jobs and help keep American s employed; <br />commit to purchasing products and services that are made or performed in the United <br />State of America, whenever and wherever possible, with any economic recovery monies <br />provided to the City of San Leandro by the American taxpayers. <br />Introduced by and passed and adopted this <br />of June 2009, by the following called vote: <br />day <br />