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The Committee discussed the proposal, noting that no residents will be displaced by the <br />planned improvements or anticipated changes in the income levels allowed within the <br />property. <br />Recommendation: <br />The Committee recommended staff schedule approval of a $400,000 loan to Allied <br />Housing for the refinancing, renovations, and rehabilitation of the Mission Bell <br />Apartments. <br />2. Review of Keyser Marston's Proposed Assistance in Negotiating a Municipal Services <br />Agreement with Kaiser Permanente <br />Community Development Director Sims explained that, to date, most City efforts related to a <br />proposed Kaiser Permanente Medical Center have focused on planning, environmental <br />impacts, traffic, and design issues. The City is now initiating an assessment of the fiscal <br />impacts of the project, particularly the cost of providing municipal services to the planned <br />facility. The City expects to ultimately enter into a Municipal Services Agreement with <br />Kaiser to provide a means of recovering the costs associated with City services to their <br />facility. <br />Business Development Analyst Kay provided details on a proposal from Keyser Marston <br />Associates (KMA) to study the project's fiscal impacts and to provide assistance in the <br />structuring of a Municipal Services Agreement. As anon-profit entity, the Medical Center <br />will not be subject to property tax and, therefore, is likely to result in a negative fiscal impact <br />on the City's General Fund. The KMA proposal will assess both the actual net costs to <br />provide services as well as the opportunity cost of approving the project. The opportunity <br />costs will be measured in terms of the fiscal impacts that would result from alternative <br />development scenarios at the same site relative to the fiscal impact of the proposed project. <br />The alternative scenarios will be defined as part of the KMA scope of services and will likely <br />include retail and office development. <br />The total cost of the KMA proposal is $46,500. <br />Recommendation: <br />The Committee directed the City Manager to execute a consulting services agreement <br />with Keyser Marston Associates for assessment of the fiscal impacts of the Kaiser <br />Permanente Medical Center and preparation of a municipal services agreement. <br />3. Downtown San Leandro <br />a. Review of Downtown San Leandro Quarterly Report, First Quarter 2009 <br />Business Development Manager Battenberg distributed copies of the Downtown San Leandro <br />Quarterly Report for the First Quarter of 2009. The City hopes to have electronic copies of the <br />report available in the future. <br />The Committee discussed the report as well as general marketing and business attraction <br />efforts in downtown San Leandro. <br />