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fire protection, roadwayJpublic infrastructure maintenance, and general City services. <br />The study will also consider potential capital costs such as police and fire protection <br />facilities. <br />2. Revenue Analysis of Alternative Scenarios ($10,000): KMA will estimate the net <br />revenue potential from three alternative scenarios: <br />1. Kaiser Medical Center, if the project were subject to property taxes; <br />2. Alternative Project Concept #1: retail center; and <br />3. Alternative Project Concept #2: office campus. <br />The fiscal analyses of the above scenarios will help the City quantify the opportunity <br />cost of approving the Medical Center development as opposed to other uses that might <br />also be feasible on the site. <br />3. Assist Structuring Municipal Services Financing Plan ($9,500): Building upon the <br />results of the previous tasks, as well as KMA's experience with comparable medical <br />projects in Modesto, San Carlos, and Redwood City, KMA will assist the City in <br />structuring an agreement with Kaiser Foundation Hospitals. The plan may include a mix <br />of different financing structures including property tax in-lieu payments, a community <br />facilities district, or other. <br />The proposed cost of this study is $46,500, including a $4,500 contingency. A final report <br />would be available approximately 90 days after the acceptance of the proposal. Project <br />timing will be critical to ensure that the City has sufficient information prior to the next <br />stage of negotiations with Kaiser. Staff recommends Business and Housing Development <br />Committee support of the proposal and direction to the City Manager to enter into an <br />agreement with KMA at anot-to-exceed cost of $46,500. <br />G:\DEPT\oBD\Files RDA\WSl-MacArthur Area\Kaiser Permanente Medical Center\Municipal services <br />Agreement\Keyser Marston Prop BH&D OS-14-09.docx <br />