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FacilitiesTransportation Highlights 2009 0512
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FacilitiesTransportation Highlights 2009 0512
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5/29/2009 9:59:05 AM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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Report (PSR) was prepared to study the widening of Davis Street. Keith stated that the City <br />purchased some properties in the area that were for sale in the event that some right of way is <br />necessary for the project. <br />Matt Todd presented the ACCMA's portion of the project calling for three miles of additional <br />southbound HOV Lanes from Hegenberger Road to Marina Boulevard. In addition to the <br />ACCMA and the City of San Leandro, project partners include Caltrans and the City of Oakland. <br />New overcrossings will be built at Marina Boulevard and Davis Street to provide standard <br />vertical clearance over 1-880. <br />The ultimate design, as presented by ACCMA, includes widening of the Davis Street bridge and <br />straightening the roadway approach to the bridge that eliminates the need for additional right of <br />way. Widening Davis Street results in a longer pedestrian crossing at Warden/Timothy. One <br />idea to meet this challenge is the construction of a pedestrian overcrossing. Keith presented a <br />drawing of a potential pedestrian overcrossing. <br />The I-880 HOV Lane project requires replacement of the sound wall along southbound I-880 at <br />the Davis Street exit. Issues involved in its construction include the necessity to raise the current <br />wall height by 8 feet. Construction of the retaining wall/sound wall will have an impact to <br />several residential properties in the area. Potential solutions to these issues include modifying <br />the southbound 1-880 Davis Street off -ramp profile, realigning Davis Street and constructing a <br />new wall in front of the existing retaining wall/sound wall. <br />The I-880- HOV Lane portion of the project will also include the widening of the bridge over the <br />San Lorenzo Creek/Union Pacific Railroad crossing and new sound walls. Tim Lee of WMH <br />added that the existing Davis Street bridge will be moved approximately 50 feet to the north. <br />The bridge will remain open during construction using lane closures when needed. <br />Currently, 35% of the design package is complete. An administrative draft environmental report <br />as well as a draft project report is being prepared. The delivery strategy is to bid two <br />construction packages — Marina Boulevard to Davis Street and North of Davis Street to <br />Hegenberger Road. The project schedule calls for the completed environmental document in <br />November 2009 and PS&E completion is scheduled for September 2010. Construction is <br />expected to last 24 months beginning in 2011. <br />Keith also presented the Marina Boulevard project summary and objectives. The I -Bond, passed <br />in 2006, initiated the I-880 HOV Lane project. The project includes the proposed development <br />of the Kaiser Hospital/Retail Center. An agreement was entered into with ACCMA in 2008 to <br />design and construct a new Marina Boulevard interchange to improve traffic flow on Marina <br />Boulevard and to accommodate expected increased traffic from the Kaiser Hospital/Retail <br />Center. ACCMA's proposed design accommodates the City of San Leandro's preferred option. <br />Similar to the Davis Street bridge, the Marina Boulevard overcrossing will, most likely, be <br />moved approximately 50 feet to the north. Right of way may be necessary, however the goal is <br />to keep all interchange improvements within the area of the existing interchange. <br />The timetable for the Marina Boulevard project is scheduled to coordinate with the I-880 HOV <br />Lane project. The Marina Boulevard PSR has a scheduled completion date of December 2009, <br />with a construction start date (to be determined) that will coordinate with the HOV project. The <br />Facilities and Transportation Committee Page 2 <br />Meeting Highlights 5/12/09 <br />
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