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that most citizens in of the area are open to the increase of fees, if it meant keeping the pool open <br />for the children. Mayor Santos reached out to the citizens to go forth and perhaps conduct a poll <br />to see if there is interest with the local vendors to make contributions, as well as, if there is <br />interest to establish a Friends of Farrelly Pool. <br />Committee Recommendation <br />Committee recommended increasing recreational swim fees and to allow Farrelly Pool to remain <br />open with reduced hours. <br />2. Discussion Regarding Alameda County Fire Department Quarterly Report <br />Fire Chief Gilbert provided the fiscal year 2008-09 third quarter invoice and the year end <br />estimated expenditure report. Although service and supply expenditures were estimated to be <br />7.4% or $98,647 over budget, salaries and benefits were estimated to be 2.0% or $300,768 under <br />budget. Over savings to the City is $213,000 for the fiscal year. Gilbert also stated that there is <br />a possibility of a $40,000 - $45,000 reduction into the next fiscal year's budget. Gilbert stated <br />that Alameda County Fire has received an official request for fire protection services from the <br />City of Union City and the City of Newark for approval from their council and this will be <br />conducted within the next 60-90 days. Should they begin providing services to these cities, the <br />cost to provide service for the City of San Leandro will decrease, providing a savings. Mayor <br />Santos inquired about the relocation of their office. Gilbert stated it is in progress and will be <br />going before the Board of Supervisors for approval and then construction will begin. It is <br />anticipated that they will move into their new building within 12-18 months. Councilmember <br />Gregory asked when services will begin for the cities of Union City and Newark and what the <br />impact would be. Gilbert stated that services should begin by next fiscal year and depending on <br />the dynamics of the final proposal, there is a potential savings of $400,000 - $500,000. <br />Public Comment <br />None <br />3. Discussion Regarding Revenue Measure <br />City Manager Hollister informed the Committee of meetings with representatives of the <br />Chamber of Commerce as well as one meeting with representatives of the Housing Association <br />regarding revenues. The representatives of the Chamber thought the best source of revenue <br />would come from a Landscape and Lighting Assessment and it was requested that the City speak <br />with a consultant to take a poll, as also requested by the Committee. Hollister stated that the City <br />would be utilizing the same consultant that worked on the Shoreline poll The poll would be <br />unique as it will interview voters as well as industries and commercial real estate owners. The <br />poll will focus on what is good for the community and the City. The poll will also be useful in <br />providing ideas for long term revenue enhancements, e.g. sales tax override and parcel tax. <br />Although there may be a potential $5 million raised through an Assessment District, the City's <br />full staffing and services shortfall would still be at $6 million. Mayor Santos reminded everyone <br />that there is a possibility that the State may take $1.8 million of Property Taxes from the City. <br />Interim Assistant City Manager Diaz stated that she is hopeful to begin the poll in June. Mayor <br />2 <br />