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Minutes 2009 0518
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City Council
Minutes 2009 0518
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6/3/2009 4:45:05 PM
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MINUTES Page 4 <br />City of San Leandro Ciry Council and San Leandro Redevelopment Agency Joint Meeting-May 18, 2009 <br />Teresa Gutierrez, San Leandro resident, addressed the City Council, commenting on the <br />poor condition of Farnsworth Street between Lewelling and Breckenridge, and requesting that <br />the Council consider repaving that portion of the street. <br />LaRonda Zupp, Deaf Counseling, Advocacy & Referral Agency (DCARA), through a <br />sign language interpreter, addressed the City Council, expressing her appreciation for the <br />Council's support of DCARA. Ms. Zupp requested that, in light of State budget cuts, the <br />Council continue its support for DCARA and the services it provides to the deaf community. <br />James Zahradka, San Leandro resident, addressed the City Council, commenting that his <br />children have taken swim lessons at Farrelly Pool, and urging the Council to keep the pool <br />open. Mr. Zahradka commented on the meetings of the Measure WW Ad Hoc Committee <br />and their adherence to the Brown Act. <br />Jenifer Engler, San Leandro resident, addressed the City Council, commenting that her <br />three children learned to swim at Farrelly Pool. Ms. Engler suggested that the City work with <br />community groups on fundraising to keep Farrelly Pool open. <br />Bob Glaze, San Leandro resident, addressed the City Council, urging the Council to <br />complete the work on the San Leandro Family Aquatics Center. Mr. Glaze reminded the <br />Council of the study that was performed several years ago. At that time, a commitment was <br />made to complete the Aquatics Center as funds became available. <br />Jill Wiese, San Leandro resident and mother of Ethan Wiese, addressed the City Council, <br />reading a statement written by Ethan that he takes swim lessons at Farrelly Pool and hopes <br />that the pool would not close. Ms. Wiese commented that Farrelly Pool is a great community <br />resource. <br />Adan Alonzo, San Leandro resident, addressed the City Council, commenting on the costs <br />to maintain Farrelly Pool, even when closed. Mr. Alonzo commented that he hoped Measure <br />WW funds would be distributed equitably, and he requested that the Council do the right <br />thing for all residents. <br />Peggy Combs, San Leandro resident, addressed the City Council, requesting that the <br />Council reconsider the closing of Farrelly Pool, noting the heavy use of the pool by local <br />residents and its value as a community gathering place. Ms. Combs commented on the <br />Measure WW Ad Hoc Committee, and the need to include other stakeholders in the process. <br />Marti Lantz, Washington Homeowners Association, addressed the City Council, urging <br />the Council to complete the construction of the competitive pool at the San Leandro Family <br />Aquatics Center. <br />Carol Alvarez, San Leandro resident, addressed the City Council, commenting that her <br />three children learned to swim at Farrelly Pool Ms. Alvarez urged the Council to keep the <br />pool open, and to keep budget cuts from negatively impacting children. <br />
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