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EXHIBIT A <br />SCOPE OF SERVICES <br />1. UNDERSTANDING. The Bay Trail Slough Bridge project consists of an approximately 350' long, four- <br />span pedestrian bridge across the shallow San Leandro Slough, plus a 600' connecting trail constructed by <br />widening an existing levee top. The bridge sections consist of prefabricated truss superstructures with a concrete <br />pan deck. Intermediate piers are driven steel shell piles, hollowed with concrete fill. Abutment piles are driven <br />precast concrete piles. The connecting trail includes a mid slope retaining structure of drilled piles and timber <br />lagging. Plans and specifications for the project have been prepared by Mark Thomas and Company, Inc. The <br />City entered into a contract with RGW Construction, Inc. ("General Contractor') who will furnish all labor, <br />materials, and equipment required to build the project. This contract is to provide special inspection as required <br />for the construction of the aforementioned improvements. Inspections are to be performed as required by the <br />plans and specifications, and by the project manager. <br />SCOPE OF WORK -INSPECTIONS. <br />Reinforced Concrete: <br />a. Reinforcement Splice Tests <br />b. Reinforcement Inspection <br />c. Concrete placement inspection <br />d. Concrete Cylinder Tests <br />Structural Steel, High Strength Bolts and Metal Deck: <br />a. Welding procedure review <br />b. Field Welding & Bolting Inspection <br />Soils & Aggregate -Compaction Tests: <br />a. Aggregate Base <br />b. Bridge Structure Backfill <br />c. Soldier Pile wall Backfill <br />d. Proctor, Cal Impact tests <br />Hotmix Asphalt: <br />a. Mix Design Review <br />b. Compaction Tests <br />c. Density Tests <br />Final Affidavit: <br />a. Provide final summary affidavit including statement of conformance with plans and specifications <br />Consulting Services Agreement between Project No. 144-39-012 <br />City of San Leandro and Applied Materials & Engineering Page 15 <br />Exhibit A <br />