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POLICIES AND ACf14NS (IJawntozon Revitalization continued) <br />Action (09 A: Downtown Business Improvement <br />District <br />Support the Downtown Business Improvement District <br />(BID) and review the goals and programs of the District <br />annually. <br />6.10 BART STATION AREA REVITALIZATION <br />Foster the development of the BART Station area as a <br />mixed use "transit village," with a full complement of <br />office, medium and high-density residential, and office- <br />serving retail uses, along with pedestrian plazas, open <br />space, BART parking, and other transit facllities (possi- <br />bly including a Capitol Corridor rail station). <br />Action (10-A: Downtown BART Parking Lot <br />Pursue the relocation of the BART parking lot on the east <br />side of San Leandro Boulevard to a new parking garage <br />on the west side of the station with a greater number of <br />spaces. Work with BART to facilitate the redevelopment of <br />the vacated parking lot site with gzutlityhfgh-density <br />housing or mixed use development. A minimum density <br />of 24 units per acre should apply to the housing site, and <br />provisions for ample open space and landscaping should <br />be included in the project's design. <br />Action ~ 10-8: Redevelopment West of BART Station <br />Promote the development of vacant sites west of the BART <br />station with office uses and accompanying public plazas <br />and open space. Development on these sites should be <br />designed and oriented to encourage transit use, promote <br />pedestrian activity, respect the scale of nearby neighbor- <br />hoods, and create a safe, attractive street environment. <br />IMPLEMENTATION STRATEGIES <br />• Grants <br />• Intergovernmental Coordination <br />• Redevelopment Project Funding <br />