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County-Wide Resource Efficiency Project for Greening Existing Buildings & <br />Landscapes (The StopWaste.Orp "Green Packages" Project) <br />PRESENTED AT THE MAYOR'S CONFERENCE (APRIL 8, 2009) <br />OBJECTIVE: <br />Create acounty-wide program for improving existing buildings and landscapes that maximizes the long- <br />term benefits from Federal Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant (EECBG) 'formula' <br />distributions to Alameda County jurisdictions, and increases our competitiveness for additional funding <br />BENEFITS: <br />• Implementing green retrofit projects will be easier and more convenient for property owners <br />• Career-track green jobs will be created in the currently depressed construction industry <br />• Multiple funding sources will be leveraged and possibly pooled (e.g. federal stimulus, private, etc.) <br />• Proven green technologies and practices, including recycled content and non-hazardous materials, <br />will be purchased more often, stimulating local supply and manufacturing when feasible <br />• Economies of scale in procurement, installation, financing, and marketing <br />• Economies of scope between energy, solid waste, water, household hazardous waste, etc. <br />• Climate action and diversion goals will be easier to reach and document <br />• Our local economy will be less vulnerable to resource supply disruptions <br />PROJECT COMPONENTS: <br />A. Green Packages (specifications suitable for use in contracts) <br />B. Technical Advisory Group (help make specifications widely accepted and useful) <br />C. Outreach (helps property owners know their retrofit options) <br />D. Training, Verification and Tracking (help property owners and funders maintain quality) <br />E. Leverage Funding for Implementation (multiple sources may be available -see list on last page) <br />KEY DELIVERABLES (Two-Year Project): <br />StogWaste.Org Only Scenario .($130,000 -- $65,000 in each of FY09-10 and FY10-11 <br />Deliverables are: Project Components A, B, and C for Single Family Residential <br />• Project Component A (Green Packages): <br />o Create product and installation specifications for three single-family residential green <br />packages: entry level, advanced, and renewable, in construction specification institute or <br />other appropriate format. Installation of these packages may be funded through various <br />mechanisms, such as AB811 special districts, Mello-Roos districts, federal formula or <br />competitive stimulus funds, private funds, etc. Many of these funders will require standarc <br />specifications to be developed that do not yet exist, in order to ensure quality control over <br />their investments. <br />• Project Component B (Technical Advisory Group): <br />o Form a coalition of regional agencies representing water, air, utilities, city/county staff and <br />other technical stakeholders to review and help integrate the green packages into existing <br />programs. The Group will also coordinate all tasks, and avoid duplication with other entities <br />(e.g. ABAG, Alameda County, cities, utilities). <br />