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Develop verification procedures for quality assurance. Develop contractor <br />2 procedures for field sampling, verification, and corrective measures. Develop $40,000 <br /> verification mechanism for green packages that meet AB811 and other program <br /> requirements. <br /> Tracking of participation and reporting of resource benefits. Track, measure, <br />3 and report number of audits and retrofits completed and associated resource $40,000 <br /> benefits. Link to the Climate Calculator and provide participating jurisdictions v~ith <br /> greenhouse gas reductions for climate action planning. <br />E. LEVERAGE FUNDING FOR IMPLEMENTATION <br /> Leverage other funding sources and bundle incentives locally: Identify, secure <br /> and coordinate with all relevant funding sources to streamline program <br /> implementation and maximize program funding. Bundle green existing incentives <br />1. including financing via AB811 assessment districts; utility rebates; tax credits; $40,000 <br /> revolving loan funds; FHA 203K mortgage funds and grants for low, moderate, and <br /> upper income households. Identify and apply for foundation, state and federal grants <br /> to support program. <br />2 Pursue legislation to expand special districts to include water and resource <br /> <br />conservation measures (as necessary and appropriate) 0 <br /> Green Building project funding $130,000 $130,000 <br /> Jurisdictions Contribution $517,700 <br /> Total Project Cost $130,000 $647,700 <br />