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10C Action 2009 0615
City Clerk
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Agenda Packets
Packet 2009 0615
10C Action 2009 0615
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Last modified
6/12/2009 9:55:42 AM
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6/12/2009 9:55:40 AM
CM City Clerk-City Council
CM City Clerk-City Council - Document Type
Staff Report
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SECURED PROMISSORY NOTE <br />$400,000.00 <br />San Leandro, California <br />June 16, 2009 <br />FOR VALUE RECEIVED, Alameda County Allied Housing Program, a California <br />nonprofit public benefit corporation ("Borrower"), promises to pay to the City of <br />San Leandro, a public body corporate and politic ("City"), in lawful money of the United <br />States of America, the principal sum of Four Hundred Thousand Dollars ($400,000.00) or so <br />much thereof as may be advanced by City pursuant to the Loan Agreement referred to below, <br />together with interest on the outstanding principal balance in accordance with the terms and <br />conditions described herein. <br />Interest shall accrue on the outstanding principal balance at a rate equal to three percent <br />(3%) simple interest per annum commencing upon the date of disbursement thereof. Interest <br />shall be calculated on the basis of a year of 365 days, and charged for the actual number of days <br />elapsed. <br />This Secured Promissory Note ("this Note") has been executed and delivered <br />pursuant to and in accordance with: (i) an Owner Participation Agreement executed by and <br />between Borrower and the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Leandro ("Agency") <br />dated as of May 3, 2006 ("OPA"), (ii) a Loan Agreement dated as of May 3, 2006 by and <br />between Borrower and City) and a First Amendment thereto, dated concurrently herewith <br />("City Loau Agreement"), and (iii) an Amended and Restated Affordable Housing <br />Agreement with Declaration of Restrictive Covenants by and among the City, the Agency <br />and the Borrower ("Regulatory Agreement") executed as of the date hereof and recorded in <br />the Official Records of Alameda County, and is subject to the terms and conditions of the <br />OPA, the City Loan Agreement, and the Regulatory Agreement, all of which are by this <br />reference incorporated herein and made a part hereof. Capitalized terms used but not defined <br />herein shall have the meaning ascribed to such terms in the OPA. <br />This Note is secured by that certain Deed of Trust, Assignment of Rents, Security <br />Agreement and Fixture Filing ("City Deed of Trust") dated as of Apri126, 2006 and <br />recorded in the Official Records on May 5, 2006 as Instrument No. 2006181158, executed <br />by Borrower for the benefit of City and encumbering the property described therein. City <br />shall be entitled to the benefits of the security provided by the City Deed of Trust and shall <br />have the right to enforce the covenants and agreements contained herein, in the City Deed of <br />Trust, the City Loan Agreement, and the Regulatory Agreement. This Note, the City Loan <br />Agreement, the City Deed of Trust and the Regulatory Agreement are referred to herein as <br />the "City Documents." <br />PAYMENTS <br />1.1 PAYMENT DATES. Annual payments on this Note shall be payable from <br />Surplus Cash (defined below) as described in this section. City shall credit payments made <br />under this Note first to any unpaid late charges and other costs and fees then due, then to <br />accrued but unpaid interest, and then to principal. <br />Secured Promissory Note <br />Mission Bell Apts. <br />1232840-3 <br />
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