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IN THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN LEANDRO <br />RESOLUTION N0.2009 - <br />RESOLUTION APPROVING AN ADDITIONAL LOAN TO ALAMEDA <br />COUNTY ALLIED HOUSING PROGRAM TO ASSIST IN THE <br />REHABILITATION AND REFINANCING OF AN AFFORDABLE HOUSING <br />PROJECT, AND ADOPTING FINDINGS AND AUTHORIZING EXECUTION <br />OF DOCUMENTS IN CONNECTION WITH SUCH FINANCING <br />WHEREAS, Alameda County Allied Housing Program, a California nonprofit <br />public benefit corporation ("Allied") is the owner of amulti-family project known as the <br />Mission Bell Apartments, consisting of 25 residential and 6 commercial units (the <br />"Project") located at 112 Garcia Avenue in the City of San Leandro (the "City"); <br />WHEREAS, in 2006, the City and the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San <br />Leandro (the "Agency") provided financial assistance to assist Allied in the acquisition of <br />the Project and to enable Allied to increase the affordability of the Project's residential <br />units; <br />WHEREAS, in connection with the prior City and Agency fmancing, among <br />other documents, Allied and City executed a Loan Agreement (the "City Loan <br />Agreement"), the Agency, the City and Allied executed an Affordable Housing <br />Regulatory Agreement and Declaration of Restrictive Covenants (the "Regulatory <br />Agreement") which restricts rents for all of the residential units in the Project at levels <br />affordable to very low- and extremely low-income households for a period of 55 years, <br />and Allied executed a Deed of Trust, Assignment of Rents, Security Agreement and <br />Fixture Filing (the "City Deed of Trust") pursuant to which the City was provided a <br />security interest in the Project to secure repayment of the City loan and compliance with <br />the Regulatory Agreement; <br />WHEREAS, Allied proposes to rehabilitate the Project and refinance the existing <br />commercial loan in order to improve Project cash flow, has requested additional financial <br />assistance from the City and the County of Alameda, and has agreed to extend the term of <br />the affordability restrictions to the year 2064; <br />WHEREAS, Allied and City staff have negotiated an amendment to the City <br />Loan Agreement (the "Loan Agreement Amendment") addressing the terms and <br />conditions of an additional City loan in the amount of Four Hundred Thousand Dollars <br />($400,000) (the "Additional City Loan"), a Secured Promissory Note (the "Note") <br />evidencing Allied's obligation to repay the Additional City Loan, and an Amended and <br />Restated Affordable Housing Regulatory Agreement and Declaration of Restrictive <br />Covenants by and among the Agency, the City and Allied (the "Regulatory <br />Agreement") which will restrict rents for all of the units in the Project at levels <br />affordable to low-, very low- and extremely low-income households until the year 2064; <br />WHEREAS, repayment of the Additional City Loan will be secured by the City <br />Deed of Trust; <br />