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City and San Leandro Unified School District Liaison Committee <br />May 21, 2009 <br />Page 2 <br />2. Budget Update <br />• San Leandro Unified School District <br />Superintendent Lim stated that there will be an additional shortfall of $4.5 to $5 million in <br />the District's FY2009-10 budget. She continued to list additional one-time monies that the <br />District will receive for FY2009-10 and also stated that the District is in a position to say that <br />it will get through FY2009-10 deficit; however, FY 2010-11 will be difficult. She also stated <br />that the Board did eliminate all categorical counselors and class sizes will be 24:1. <br />Councilmember Reed asked if the District anticipates any layoffs. Superintendent Lim stated <br />that there will be no layoffs in FY2009-10; however, there may possibly be major District <br />layoffs in FY2010-11. Board Member Mack-Rose stated that the budget cuts will have a <br />huge impact on the students. <br />• City of San Leandro <br />City Manager Hollister handed out a slide presentation (attached) that was presented to the <br />City Council on May 18 explaining how the City's $4 million deficit was reduced by taking <br />$1 million from the City's insurance reserves. He also stated that $400,000 was also taken <br />from the insurance reserves which will partially restore library programs and the branch <br />libraries, and the City's community assistance program, which goes for social service <br />agencies. He explained that the City has atwo-year commitment to the service agencies, so <br />it was important to fund them for the second year. He next covered the City's operating <br />expenses, revenues and reserves. The City Council earmarked $5 million in reserves for <br />emergencies, which will remain untouched. He stated that the City's "Economic <br />Uncertainties" reserves are severely depleted. The Fire Department also made reductions - <br />fire equipment will be leased rather than purchased. He discussed declining sales and <br />property taxes. He explained City staff reductions, with no full-time employee layoffs and <br />the Golden Handshake option for employees that qualify. Board Chair Katz-Lacabe inquired <br />if the eliminated City positions were held by City residents. City Manager Hollister <br />explained that the reduced positions were a mix of both City residents and non-residents, and <br />that some of the positions are already vacant at this time. <br />City Manager Hollister stated that if the budget passes on June 1, there will be impacts on the <br />District. The City is hoping to receive funding from the federal government for the COPS <br />program to possibly restore two Security Resource Officer (SRO) positions. He concluded <br />that the City will remain adaptable during the current dire economic times, and even though <br />there will be possible additional revenue, it will be difficult to make up the FY2009-10 cuts, <br />which are being made. <br />