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City and San Leandro Unified School District Liaison Committee <br />May 21, 2009 <br />Page 3 <br />A general discussion ensued on additional City reductions, i.e., Farrelly Pool, SROs, crossing <br />guards. Mayor Santos commented on the difficulty to rely on the federal government for budget <br />assistance. A discussion ensued on the City's current transfer and property tax rates. <br />Councilmember Gregory suggested that a poll be taken to consider City residents' priorities. A <br />discussion ensued on what questions would be asked regarding a possible bond measure, a new <br />sports' complex, or new pool. <br />A discussion then ensued on the expected federal stimulus monies. <br />Board Chair Katz-Lacabe inquired if the current sales tax from the two Wal-Mart stores would <br />generate revenue for the City. City Manager Hollister answered that the new Wal-Mart store <br />will generate approximately $300,000 to $400,000 annually. He continued that the City is very <br />fortunate to have a wide tax base. <br />Superintendent Lim inquired who in the City she can contact regarding the crossing guard <br />positions. City Manager Hollister referred her to Traffic Lieutenant Robert Dekas, and <br />Community Compliance Officer Bill Baptista, who supervises the crossing guard positions. <br />Councilmember Gregory suggested that the District contact Nora Cody of Transform, which <br />heads up Alameda County's Safe Routes to Schools (510-740-3150, ext. 323). Councilmember <br />Reed also added the possibility of AAA contributing funding for the crossing guard positions. <br />3. Discussion Regarding District Office Relocation <br />Mayor Santos gave background information on the possibility of the District offices moving to <br />the City's public safety building or to the City Hall Civic Center. He suggested to the District <br />look into a downtown site, i.e., the Albertson's site at 1550 East 14th Street. He stated that <br />having the District offices closer to City Hall would increase the District and City working <br />relationship. A discussion ensued regarding the operating expenses for a new District facility, as <br />well as other expenses needed. No funding is currently available. <br />4. Discussion Regarding Location for Future Committee Meetings and Administrative <br />Duties/Meeting Minutes <br />Board Chair Katz-Lacabe suggested that the Liaison Committee Meetings alternate between the <br />City and the District. All committee members concurred. A discussion ensued on the subject of <br />the meeting minutes (highlights) be taken by the hosting agency. The Committee agreed to share <br />the highlights. <br />5. Committee Member Comments <br />Councilmember Gregory announced that the State Farm Walk-A-Thon, which was cancelled due <br />to H1N1 Virus concerns, has been rescheduled for September 12 at Bancroft Middle School. <br />