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NOW THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of San Leandro does ORDAIN as <br />follows: <br />SECTION I. AMENDMENT OF CODE. Chapter 4-12 of the San Leandro Municipal <br />Code is repealed in its entirety, and replaced to read as follows: <br />"SMOKING POLLUTION CONTROL <br />ARTICLE 1. GENERAL <br />4-12-100 PURPOSE AND INTENT. The intent of this Chapter is to provide for the <br />public health, safety, and welfare by discouraging the inherently dangerous behavior of tobacco <br />use around non-tobacco users; by protecting children from exposure to smoking and tobacco <br />while they play; by reducing the potential for children to associate smoking and tobacco with a <br />healthy lifestyle; and by affirming and promoting the family atmosphere of the City's public <br />places. <br />4-12-105 DEFINITIONS. For the purposes of this Chapter the following definitions shall <br />govern unless the context clearly requires otherwise: <br />(a) "Business" means any sole proprietorship, partnership, joint venture, corporation, <br />association, or other entity formed for profit-making purposes or that has an Employee, as <br />defined in this Section. <br />(b) "Dining Area" means any area available to or customarily used by the general <br />public, that is designed, established, or regularly used for consuming food or drink. <br />(c) "Employee" means any person who is employed; retained as an independent <br />contractor by any Employer, as defined in this Section; or any person who volunteers his or her <br />services for an Employer, association, nonprofit, or volunteer entity. <br />(d) "Employer" means any person, partnership, corporation, association, nonprofit or <br />other entity who employs or retains the service of one or more persons, or supervises volunteers. <br />(e) "Enclosed" means: <br />(1) Any covered or partially covered space having more than fifty percent <br />(SO%) of its perimeter area walled in or otherwise closed to the outside such as, for example, a <br />covered porch with more than two walls; or <br />(2) Any space open to the sky (hereinafter "uncovered") having more than <br />seventy-five (75%) of its perimeter area walled in or otherwise closed to the outside such as, for <br />example, a courtyard; <br />(3) Except that an uncovered space of three thousand (3000) square feet or <br />more is not Enclosed, such as, for example, a field in an open-air arena. <br />(f) "Multi-Unit Residence" means a premises that contains sixteen (16) or more <br />dwelling units for rent or lease, wherein a building or portion thereof that contains more than one <br />dwelling space consisting of essentially complete independent living facilities for one or more <br />persons, including, for example, permanent provisions for living, sleeping, eating, cooking, and <br />sanitation. Asingle-family house shared by roommates is not Multi-Unit Residences for <br />purposes of this Section. <br />(g) "Multi-Unit Residence Common Area" means any indoor or outdoor common <br />area of a Multi-Unit Residence accessible to and usable by more than one residence, including <br />2 <br />