<br />May 28, 2009
<br />7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
<br />300 Estudillo Avenue, San Leandro Main Library, Lecture Hall
<br />Shoreline CAC Members: Clinton Bolden, Victor Chen, Diana Cin, Dave Clark, Peggy Hynd
<br />Combs (Vice Chair), Michael Cook, John Dilsaver, Alfred Frates,
<br />Rezsin Gonzalez, Adrienne Granger, Susan Leiga, Robert Leigh,
<br />Matt Maloon, Rene Mendieta, Kent Myers (Chairperson), Michael
<br />Nolan, Gil Raposo, Carole Rinaldi, Caryl Ann Symons, Lee
<br />Thomas, Ronnie Turner Dan Walters.
<br />Consultants present: Ed Miller, Cal-Coast Development.
<br />City staff present: City Manager Steve Hollister, Interim Assistant City Manager
<br />Jacqui Diaz, Public Works Director Michael Bakaldin, Business
<br />Development Manager Cynthia Battenberg, Senior Development
<br />Project Specialist Elmer Penaranda.
<br />Public present: Orval `O.B.' Badger, John Calvo, Bob Chamberlin, James Driver, AI
<br />Fernandez, Sandi Forese, Robert Fox, Kathe Frates, Charles
<br />Gilcrest, Darlene Hays, Hischit Hedge, Julie Lind (Senator Corbett's
<br />Office), Janet Palma, Linda Perry, Ken Pon, Robert Turner,
<br />Raymond and Donna Vingo, Nida Ward, Ed, Young, Mayor
<br />Emeritus Shelia Young, Mayor Tony Santos, Vice Mayor Joyce
<br />Starosciak, and Councilmember Jim Prola.
<br />I. Welcome and Introductions
<br />Mayor Santos called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. welcomed everyone present and
<br />introduced Vice Mayor Joyce Starosciak and Councilmember Jim Prola. Mayor Santos
<br />acknowledged and thanked the Shoreline CAC for the time and effort they are spending
<br />meeting and working together to in developing recommendations for aShoreline -Area
<br />master plan. Manager Battenberg introduced City staff that was present.
<br />II. Discussion
<br />A. Kent Myers, Chairperson, Shoreline Development Citizens Advisory Committee.
<br />Chair Myers presented an overview of the Shoreline CAC's mission, progress to date,
<br />and future schedule of milestones in 2009 and 2010. The mission is to:
<br />• Develop amenities that will appeal to most people,
<br />