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ShorelineMarina Highlights 2009 0615
City Clerk
City Council
Shoreline-Marina Committee
ShorelineMarina Highlights 2009 0615
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6/12/2009 10:02:37 AM
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6/12/2009 10:02:36 AM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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Committee Highlights
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_CC Agenda 2009 0615
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encourage the community input and involvement to assist his company and the <br />Shoreline CAC in developing a shoreline master plan with the community's consensus. <br />Ill. Public Comments <br />The public shared the following: <br />• Future plans should improve and support the San Leandro shoreline area. <br />• New development should not result in a loss of any City Park space. Keep the <br />green, open space. <br />• Architects, engineers and other design professionals should provide the detailed <br />plans for future development along the shoreline. The Shoreline CAC can develop <br />conceptual ideas. <br />• Any new development should be `Green' and sustainable-type construction. <br />• Consider mass transit in the future plans. <br />• New development should take into consideration the rise in sea-level. <br />• Future development should not pollute the bay environment. <br />• Plan for the future; however do not overdevelop the shoreline area. <br />• Consider a desalination component and recycled water in .the master plan. Energy <br />Recovery Inc. (ERI) is a globally known company that is based in San Leandro <br />which specializes in desalination. <br />• Perhaps new retail and .new residential development should not be considered for <br />the future of the shoreline area. <br />• Plan for an educationaVinterpretive center for the shoreline. <br />• Sustainable design should also include aesthetically appropriate architectural design <br />that blends into the existing and surrounding context of the shoreline. <br />• Consider a San Francisco Bay Research Center. <br />• New development should have quality, union-wage paying jobs. <br />• Keep the Marina/shoreline in `as-is' condition. Don't make any changes to the area. <br />• Plan for the shoreline to have a `Wine, dine and play' atmosphere such as San <br />Pedro Harbor. Its restaurants and fish markets have an all-inclusive, family oriented <br />atmosphere that is always bustling with people. <br />• Maintain the shoreline access and bay views. <br />• Have new opportunities for indoor and outdoor dining. <br />• Plan for a youth center such as Cabrillo Harbor. Include a boating school for <br />children. <br />• Include facilities for dragon-boating in the master plan. Dragon-boats require only <br />three feet of water. <br />• Construct a new Double-Tree Hotel and Conference Center. It would be convenient <br />for local businesses to have the alternative of San Leandro shoreline instead of San <br />Francisco and San Jose for conferences. <br />• Include Ruby's Restaurant or other popular/similar chain establishment that can act <br />as a draw for other restaurants at the shoreline. <br />• City should consider assisting or subsidizing new development. <br />• Bring back the Blue Dolphin, live music and dancing on Friday and Saturday nights. <br />• New development should be family-oriented businesses and uses. <br />• Consider thin-film solar technology and nano-solar paint technology. <br />
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