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Shoreline-Marina May 28, 2009 Town Hall Meeting Highlights <br />• Learn from successes of other waterfront developments such as Jack London <br />Square in Oakland, San Diego and Monterey Bay. <br />• Plan for an entertainment venue such as an outdoor amphitheater for outdoor <br />concerts that could accommodate at least 1,000 persons. <br />• Consider geothermal technology in the future plans. <br />• Make the San Leandro shoreline a destination place and a model for other <br />waterfront development plans. <br />Manager Battenberg stated that the City requires new projects in the City be `LEED <br />certified' or at a minimum incorporate green and sustainable building technologies. <br />IV. Adjourn <br />The meeting adjourned at 8:20 p.m. <br />P:10BD\Ivlarina\CitizensAdvisoryCommitteel2vfeeting Notes\5-28-09HighlightsTown Hall.doc <br />