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Shoreline-Marina May 20, 2009 Town Hall Meeting Highlights <br />part of their projects. He stressed that the area has a lot of potential to be a grand <br />destination place if master planned correctly. He mentioned that neither the City nor the <br />public should be discouraged in developing the shoreline because the economy is in <br />poor condition. Some of waterfront projects that his company has built were planned <br />during down-economic times. Mr. Miller stated that he and his team encourage <br />community input and involvement to assist his company and the Shoreline CAC in <br />developing a shoreline master plan with the community's consensus. <br />B. Kent Myers, Chairperson, Shoreline Development Citizens Advisory Committee. <br />Chair Myers presented an overview of the Shoreline CAC's mission, progress to date, <br />and future schedule of milestones in 2009 and 2010. The mission is to: <br />• Develop amenities that will appeal to most people, <br />• Incorporate and connect the current amenities with future ones, <br />• Recognize how desirable the shoreline area is and take advantage of its regional <br />placement (especially its proximity to the Oakland Airport), <br />• Develop a master plan that requires little or no City investment and creates a <br />shoreline area that is self-sustaining. <br />The Shoreline CAC, since last December 2008 has met as a group at least once a <br />month and in that time has: <br />• Discussed preliminary visions for the Shoreline Area; <br />• Participated in a site tour of the subject area and existing amenities; <br />• Received General Plan objectives and discussed Zoning requirements; <br />• Received history of previous plans and priorities from 1990 to the Present; <br />• Received Public Opinion Poll Results; <br />• Received information about the Shoreline Enterprise Fund and the future of the <br />boat harbor <br />• Received information about the environmental challenges and regulations in <br />developing the shoreline; <br />• Received information about how traffic circulation and access needs to be <br />considered; and <br />• Divided into three smaller groups to improve interaction and participation within <br />each group to develop various conceptual designs (ideas) in master planning the <br />shoreline. <br />- The Shoreline-CAC will continue to meet regularly and has the remaining milestones- <br />that will go to July 2010: <br />• Group sharing of conceptual ideas; <br />• Feedback on conceptual ideas from Cal-Coast and City staff ; <br />• Financial Feasibility Feedback of Ideas and perhaps the revision of some ideas; <br />• Sharing of revised design ideas; <br />• Consensus building; <br />• Preliminary design concepts; <br />• Additional Town Hall Meetings for community feedback in February; <br />• Refined Design Concepts; <br />