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• Feasibility studies and market analysis; and <br />• Complete a modified development plan. <br />III. Public Comments <br />The public shared the following: <br />• Agreed with Cal-Coast's vision to have hotels, restaurants, conference center and to <br />do the groundwork (planning work) now during the poor economic times. As the <br />economy improves perhaps there will be entitled projects that could be developed. <br />• Future shoreline hospitality development (i.e., hotels, restaurants, conference <br />center) should include union labor-quality jobs. <br />• Amenities planned should include dog-run area and bicycle paths. <br />• The plan should consider clean-up and removal of remnant bunkers of the former <br />Trojan Powder Works back to natural marshlands, although the bunkers are outside <br />the boundaries and purview of the shoreline opportunity site. <br />• Input and involvement from the Recreation Department should be provided. <br />• Consider alternative ideas which would include more park open space; collaborate <br />with East Bay Regional Park District. <br />• Again there was .agreement, appreciation and excitement with Cal-Coast's <br />preliminary visions and it was stated that the plans should "Do it Big!" <br />• New development and uses should take advantage of the shoreline's proximity to <br />the Airport. <br />• Consider environmental issues in moving forward with a master plan. <br />• Concern in developing open space with new buildings. <br />• More development will result in more vehicular traffic; thus consider additional mass <br />transit in plans. <br />• Consider building in amenities and activities for youth. <br />• Docks/slips should be maintained. Restaurants need some docks (day slips) for <br />visitors. People, especially patrons in the restaurants, want to see boats in a marina. <br />• Keep boaters in mind in developing the shoreline master plan. <br />Developer Miller addressed some of the concerns by the speakers. He is a member of the <br />Steel and Bricklayers Worker Union and understands the unions' recommendations. In fact, <br />hotels developed by Cal-Coast are constructed by union labor. He elaborated that Cal-Coast <br />policy is to procure building materials and equipment from local suppliers. Cal-Coast also <br />- implements at its construction projects an apprentice program to recruit unemployed persons - <br />and students and train them in building trades. <br />IV. Adjourn <br />The meeting adjourned at 8:10 p.m. <br />P:\OBD\IvSarina\CitizensAdvisoryCommitteeWleeting Notes\5-20-09HighlightsTown Hall.doc <br />