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($1,100,000.67) ("City Laan") in order to provide partial financing for the acquisition of the <br />Project. The City Loan is evidenced by a Secured Promissory Note ("City Note") executed by <br />Owner and dated as Apri126, 2006, and is secured by a Deed of Trust, Assignment of Rents, <br />Security Agreement and Fixture Filing ("City Deed of Trust"), dated as of Apri126, 2006, <br />executed by Owner for the benefit of City, and recorded on May 5, 2006 in the Official Records <br />as Instrument No. 2006181158. <br />G. City is a participating jurisdiction in the Alameda County HOME Consortium and <br />is a recipient of funds pursuant to the HOME Investment Partnership Act ("HOME"), <br />established by the National Affordable Housing Act of-1990 (42 USCA § 12471, et seq.} that are <br />subject to certain restrictions established by the United States Department of Housing and Urban <br />Development under 24 CFR 92 ("HOME Restrictions"). The City Loan includes an amount <br />equal to One Hundred Fifty-Eight Thousand Two Hundred Sixty Dollars ($158,260.00} of <br />HOME funding. <br />H. Pursuant to that certain McKinney Act Refunding Agreement dated as of March <br />30, 2001 and executed by and between City and the United States Department of Housing and <br />Urban Development (the "Refunding Agreement"), City is the recipient of certain funds derived <br />from the refinancing of a project originally assisted with funds from the McKinney-Vento <br />Homeless Assistance Act {42 USCA § 11301 et seq.) (the "McKinney Bond Refund <br />Proceeds"). The Refunding Agreement establishes certain requirements for income level and <br />duration of affordability for residential units assisted with McKinney Bond Refund Proceeds (the <br />"McKinney Restrictions"). The City Loan includes an amount equal to Nine Hundred Forty- <br />One Thousand Seven Hundred Forty Dollars and Sixty-Seven Cents ($941,740.67) of McKinney <br />Bond Refund Proceeds. <br />I. As a condition to its agreement to provide the City Loan and the Agency Loan to <br />Owner, City and Agency each require the Project to be subject to the HOME Restrictions, the <br />McKinney Restrictions, the requirements of California Community Redevelopment Law <br />(California Health and Safety Cade § 33300 et seq.) and the other conditions, restrictions, <br />reservations and rights of the City and the Agency set forth herein. <br />J. Owner has requested City, and City has agreed, to provide Owner with an <br />additional loan in the amount of Four Hundred Thousand Dollars ($400,000.00) of HOME <br />funding for the Project. The Parties shall amend the City Loan Agreement, and Owner shall <br />execute a new secured promissory note ("Additional City Nate"} concurrently herewith to <br />reflect the additional HOME funding from the City. <br />K. The Parties have agreed to enter into and record this Agreement in order to satisfy <br />the conditions described in the foregoing Recitals. The purpose of this Agreement is to regulate and <br />restrict the occupancy and rents of the Project's residential units for the benefit of the Project <br />occupants. The covenants in this Agreement are intended to run with the land and be binding on <br />Owner and Owner's successors and assigns for the full term of this Agreement. <br />AMENDED AND RESTATED REGULATORY AGREEMENT 3 <br />MISSION BELL APARTMENTS <br />1227466-8 <br />