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Agmt 2009 Alameda County Allied Housing Program
City Clerk
City Council
Agmt 2009 Alameda County Allied Housing Program
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Last modified
6/19/2009 11:52:01 AM
Creation date
6/19/2009 11:49:55 AM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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shall not enter into any agreement that is inconsistent with such restrictions without the express <br />written consent of City and Agency. Notwithstanding the foregoing or anything to the contrary <br />contained herein, if the terms of financing for the Project require greater affordability restrictions <br />than those imposed hereby, the requirements of such other financing shall prevail for the term <br />thereof. <br />2.1 HOME Restrictions. For a term of fifty-five (55) years commencing on the <br />Effective Date of this Agreement, the Project shah include a minimum of three (3} floating <br />residential studio units and two {2) floating residential one-bedroom units far Very Low-Income <br />households, as defined by and in accordance with and regulated by 24 CFR Part 92 ("HOME <br />Assisted Units"). HOME Assisted Units shall be Restricted Units that are subject to, and <br />included in, the affordability requirements of Section 2.3 and Exhibit B. Any residential studio <br />or one-bedroom unit in the Project may be~substituted for another studio or one-bedroom unit in <br />the Project and designated as a HOME Assisted unit in order to maintain conformity with the <br />requirements of this section. The requirements of this Section 2.1 are separate and distinct from <br />the requirements of Section 2.2. <br />With respect to the HOME Assisted Units, Owner shall comply with all HOME <br />Restrictions, and in the event of conflict between the HOME Restrictions and the provisions of <br />this Agreement, the HOME Restrictions shall prevail, with the exception of the following: {i) the <br />duration of the affordability restrictions for the HOME Assisted Units shall not be less than fifty- <br />five (55}years even if the HOME Restrictions would impose a shorter period for such <br />restrictions; (ii) the maximum initial household income limits for occupants of HOME Assisted <br />Units shall be those set forth in this Agreement even if the HOME Restrictions would permit <br />higher income limits; and (iii) the maximum initial rent that maybe charged for the HOME <br />Assisted Units shall not exceed the maximum rent as determined pursuant to this Agreement, <br />even if the HOME Restrictions would permit a higher rent. <br />Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, with respect to the HOME Assisted <br />Units, Owner shall comply with all tenant protection provisions set forth in 24 CFR Part 92.253, <br />and except as set forth in the preceding paragraph, Owner shall comply with all other applicable <br />HOME Restrictions, including without limitations the applicable provisions set forth in 24 CFR <br />Sections 92.251, 92.252 and 92.350 through 92.358. <br />2.2 McKinney Restrictions. Far a term of fifty-five (55) years, commencing upon the <br />Effective Date of this Agreement, the Project shall include eight (8} floating residential units for <br />Very Low-Income households in accordance with the Refunding Agreement ("McKinney <br />Assisted Units"). McKinney Assisted Units shall be subject to, and included in, the affordability <br />requirements of Section 2.3 and Exhibit B. Any residential unit in the Project may be substituted <br />for another residential unit in the Project and designated as a McKinney Assisted Unit in order to <br />maintain conformity with the requirements of this section. The requirements of this Section 2.2 <br />are separate and distinct from the requirements of Section 2.1. <br />2.3 Affordability Requirements. For a term of f ftY-five (55) years commencing upon <br />the Effective Date of this Agreement, no fewer than two (2) residential units shall be both Rent- <br />Restricted (as defined below) and occupied (or if vacant, available for occupancy} by Low- <br />AMENbEp ANb RESTATEb REGULATORY AGREEMENT 5 <br />MISSIQN BELL APARTMENTS' <br />1227466-8 <br />
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