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EXHIBIT A <br />SCOPE OF SERVICES <br />I. STATEMENT OF PURPOSE <br />The Consultant, and its administrative entity, First Home, Inc., will provide the following services for the <br />Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Leandro: <br />1) administration of the First Time Homebuyer Program. The FTHB Program includes the <br />downpayment/closing cost loan program, FTHB education seminars, homebuyer counseling, <br />marketing, program development, monitoring and performance reporting. <br />2) administration of the Inclusionary Housing/BMR Ownership Program (IH/BMR), including managing <br />and monitoring of the City/Agency IH/BMR ownership units, marketing, program development, and <br />performance reporting. <br />3) Implementation of post-purchase workshops and counseling to San Leandro residents that have <br />become homeowners through the IH/BMR Housing and First-Time Homebuyer Programs in San <br />Leandro. <br />TERM AND COMMENCEMENT OF WORK <br />The term of this agreement shall be for the period of July 1, 2009 through June 30, 2010. <br />III. FIRST TIME HOMEBUYER PROGRAM <br />A. DOWNPAYMENT/CLOSING COST ASSISTANCE LOAN PROGRAM <br />Consultant duties include screening, qualifying and underwriting eligible first time homebuyers for <br />the low interest downpayment/closing cost assistance loan. Also, consultant will annually monitor <br />existing loan portfolio for program compliance. <br />Target goal for the Downpayment/Closing Cost Loan Program: Approve 5 loans to first time <br />homebuyer households in San Leandro <br />B. HOMEBUYER EDUCATION SEMINARS <br />Consultant will conduct two (2) homebuyer education seminars as well as the marketing and <br />outreach for each seminar. The seminars shall cover the following topics: <br />• Deciding to become a homeowner <br />• The financial and personal responsibilities of home ownership <br />• Credit -the implications for homeownership <br />• Financing and qualifying for a home loan <br />• Personal financial budgeting and planning <br />Consulting Services Agreement between July 1, 2009 <br />RDA of the City of San Leandro and BAHBA --Exhibit A Page 1 of 4 <br />