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IV. INCLUSIONARY HOUSING/BMR OWNERSHIP PROGRAM <br />Consultant duties include monitoring of existing inclusionary housing/below market rate ownership <br />units, assisting homeowners with the resale of existing below market units, maintenance of the City <br />wait list for new inclusionary ownership units, marketing of new inclusionary ownership units for <br />sale, and placement of households on the City wait list into new inclusionary ownership units. <br />Target goal for the Inclusionary Housing/Below Market Rate Ownership Program: Place 3 <br />households, preferably from the City wait list, into new or existing inclusionary housing <br />units <br />V. POST PURCHASE WORKSHOPS AND COUNSELING <br />Consultant will conduct one (1) Post Purchase Workshop and follow-up homeowner counseling as needed. <br />The Post Purchase Workshop and Counseling shall complement the FTHB and Inclusionary Housing <br />Programs by assisting participants become better homeowners. Consultant shall administer one workshop: <br />• Workshop participants must either currently own unit under IH/BMR or have <br />an outstanding loan with the FTHB Loan Program. <br />• Workshop (s) topics/curriculum shall include: financial issues and <br />responsibilities of ownership, financial planning and savings during ownership, <br />home maintenance and improvement, home equity, understanding and <br />avoiding predatory lending activity and understanding San Leandro FTHB and <br />Inclusionary Zoning loan and resale agreements. <br />• Individual household counseling services shall be offered to workshop <br />participants covering their specific credit and debt management needs and <br />other homeownership issues. <br />VI. REPORTING <br />In addition to reporting on the progress of meeting the target goals listed above, Consultant shall submit <br />reports every quarter with each quarterly reimbursement request to the Agency and shall include the <br />following information: <br />A. FIRST TIME HOMEBUYER PROGRAM <br />• Income levels for households (e.g., moderate, low, very low, extremely low) <br />• RacelEthnicity <br />• Number of households that have completed homebuyer counseling sessions <br />• Number of households who have received a homebuyer education seminar certificate of <br />completion <br />• Number of households receiving WISH funds <br />• Amount of WISH funds received per household <br />• Number of households receiving FTHB Program loans <br />• Amount of FTHB Program loan awarded per household <br />Consulting Services Agreement between July 1, 2009 <br />RDA of the City of San Leandro and BAHBA --Exhibit A Page 3 of 4 <br />