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AIMS Upgrade - CSA w/ Western Pacific Signal <br />6, 2009 <br />On June 2, 2008, by Resolution No. 2008-062, the City Council authorized an acceptance of <br />federal CMAQ improvement program funding of $184,000 and a local match of $24,000 for <br />the ATMS upgrade project <br />On January 5, 2009, by Resolution No. 2009-001, the City Council authorized an acceptance <br />of TLSP funding of $350,000 for the ATMS upgrade project <br />City Council Committee Review and Action <br />Not Applicable <br />Applicable General Plan Policy <br />• Goal 16 Streets and Highways: Improve major transportation arteries for circulation in and <br />around the city <br />• Policy 16.03-Maintenance: Regularly maintain City streets and traffic control devices to <br />ensure that streets operate safely and efficiently <br />• Policy 1 b.04-Traffic Flow Improvements: Use a variety of measures to improve traffic <br />flow at congested intersections, including technologically advanced tools such as signal <br />timing and video monitoring <br />• Policy 16.05-East-West Circulation: Strive to improve east-west circulation across San <br />Leandro without adversely impacting residential neighborhoods. Encourage signal timing, <br />signage improvements, turn lanes, and other measures, which improve circulation but do not <br />involve major physical changes or traffic increases on residential streets <br />• Policy 18.02-Capital Improvements: Identify capital improvements and other measures, <br />which improve the safety of bicyclists, pedestrians and motor vehicles on San Leandro streets <br />• Policy 18.05-Funding: Pursue grants for the improvement of pedestrian, bicycle and motor <br />vehicle safety <br />• Policy 18.06-Staff Education: Ensure that City Staff is up to date and educated on the latest <br />technology and/or methods of improving safety for all modes of transportation <br />• Policy 20.01-Coordination with Regional Agencies: Work closely with the Metropolitan <br />Transportation Commission, the Alameda County Congestion Management Agency and <br />other agencies to address regional transportation issues affecting San Leandro <br />Permits and/or Variances Granted <br />Not Applicable <br />Environmental Review <br />• Consistent with CEQA the project is Categorically Exempt <br />• Consistent with NEPA the project is Categorically Excluded <br />Code Compliance Review <br />Not Applicable <br />