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5-Year Review conducting any detailed diagnostic review of accidents and <br />injuries, including tracking historical performance and trends. We <br />and suggest that the Company institute a more formalized internal <br />Assessment of diagnostic review process in support of continuous improvement <br />(see Recommendations) <br />Contract Commercial Recycling <br />Services The Company has recycling staff dedicated to operations within <br />the City, as well as other recycling staff that share duties with its <br />other operations. Based on the Company's representations, which <br />were supported by our observations, it is meeting/exceeding its <br />obligation for a Recycling Coordinator dedicated no less than half- <br />time to the City. We also met with the Company's recycling staff to <br />review its "commercial recycling plan" and Public Education Plan. <br />The Company provided us with a copy o,~' "Sales Activity <br />Guidelines" the purpose of which is to es,~~~ sh the Company's <br />policies governing the activities of t~-~s `~s and recycling <br />outreach staff. We were also provide h copffi~~ of the various <br />recycling activity reports as well ~( `` copy of Company's <br />"Prospects for Enhanced Recycle°~that list accoun , at do not <br />currently have recycling servic~`.worte~.,~~ level o`'garbage <br />service to assist with prioritizing outreali~fforts. <br />.~ ,, <br />p y ~~~I,ing p ~ ;~~nvolves an organized <br />The Com an 's commerc ~`~" <br />process with a primary cis ~`on thos counts that have <br />~~-. <br />contacted the Company mqut~rn~„sal;a~ec cling. This primary <br />focus is suppl~~cnfed with geted 'outreach to individual <br />accounts list~~4on the P"Prosp 'its for Enhanced Commercial <br />Recycling" list~~~~ ~~ ,~, ~. <br />The ak~~~~the°Conih~iny to"substantially increase commercial <br />rec . ~g mayr~~e» limited by the fact that although there is a <br />reds. d rate for'~cyclit~ there is still a net direct cost to the <br />cust~~. (with the ~ception of free recycling up to 90-gallons per <br />4,any ju actions the cost of recycling is part of the <br />week . '" <br />solid wash `. to ~ksuch, there is no separate direct cost for <br />recycling, whiEi~ p ovides a much greater financial incentive than <br />that offered under the City's rate structure. <br />9.0 Recommendations <br />9.1 Operational <br />Control of 20-Gallon Service Level <br />We suggest that the Company further explore the potential for <br />using "true" 20-gallon containers rather than 32-gallon containers <br />with 20-gallon inserts. Such containers are commercially available <br />and the Company has received a sample container. If these <br />containers are compatible with the Company's fully automated <br />vehicles they could address the issue of the 20-gallon inserts <br />Page 30 <br />