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MINUTES Page 12 <br />City of San Leandro City Council and San Leandro Redevelopment Agency Joint Meeting~Tune 15, 2009 <br />Councilmember Stephens commented that he participated as a cherry pie judge at the Cherry <br />Festival; he attended A Blooming Affair, a fundraiser for the Chabot College Foundation; he <br />attended the Flag Day ceremony; and he attended the North Area Home and Garden Tour. <br />Councilmember Prola commented in the following activities that he attended/participated in: <br />the June 2 rally to save San Leandro Hospital; the June 5 Health is not just Health Care <br />meeting hosted by Supervisor Lai-Bitker; the Cherry Festival, for which he thanked staff for <br />all their work, and stated that he hoped the City could continue the event on a smaller scale; <br />the June 8 and June 11 Eden Healthcare District Board meetings at the Library, at which he <br />spoke regarding the importance of retaining the San Leandro Hospital emergency room; the <br />Bancroft and John Muir Middle School promotions; and the 50th anniversary ribbon cutting <br />for Roberts Awards. Councilmember Prola responded to the accusations at the last City <br />Council meeting that the decision to retain the hours at Farrelly Pool was a political one. He <br />commented that he believed there was a big difference between the 2004 closing of the <br />Manor Branch library, which was rebuilt and reopened, and the proposed closings of the <br />Mulford-Marina and South Branch libraries. Councilmember Prola stated that he believed all <br />of the City's pools and libraries must be treated the same, and the sacrifices shared equally. <br />Councilmember Prola added that he reviewed the audiotapes of the March 23 City Council <br />work session. He noted at that meeting, the City Manager stated to the Council that he <br />believed there was consensus to restore $250,000 to library services from the Self Insurance <br />Fund, and the statement went unchallenged by the Council. <br />Councilmember Reed apologized for missing the June 1 Council meeting. She echoed the <br />positive comments by her colleagues about the Cherry Festival, and commented that <br />Councilmember Stephens did a wonderful job as speaker during the Flag Day ceremony. <br />Councilmember Reed acknowledged Interim Finance Director Carter, City Manager Hollister <br />and the City Council Finance Committee for their hard work on the budget, and stated that <br />she would have voted to adopt it. She suggested that when future budget concerns arise, the <br />Council work together to ensure that they are on the same page. <br />Vice Mayor Starosciak added her congratulations to the Recreation & Human Services <br />Department staff for the success of the Cherry Festival. She commented that she attended the <br />San Leandro Adult School, Lincoln High School and San Leandro High School graduation <br />ceremonies; the promotion ceremony at Garfield School; and the Roberts Awards 50th <br />anniversary ribbon cutting. Vice Mayor Starosciak expressed appreciation for <br />Councilmember Stephens' keynote address on the Star-Spangled Banner at the Flag Day <br />ceremony, and she congratulated Councilmember Souza. for graduating with her masters <br />degree in Business Administration. Vice Mayor Starosciak requested information on the <br />plans for informing residents that fireworks are illegal in the City. <br />13. ADJOURN <br />The meeting was adjourned at 8:38 p.m. <br />