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CITY OF SAN LEANDRO <br />DRAFTED GUIDELINES FOR COUNCILMEMBER TOWN HALL MEETINGS <br />Purpose of the Guidelines: <br />These guidelines are to provide guidance should a Councilmember want to hold a Town Hall or <br />City-sponsored Community Meeting in his or her District. The guidelines are intended to <br />specifically address the process Councilmembers should follow to plan a Town Hall or City- <br />sponsored Community Meeting. The specific tasks, and the department or staff responsible for <br />ensuring the tasks are completed, are included to help standardize the process. Also included in <br />the guidelines are standards which are intended to ensure that a minimum level of personnel <br />attends the meeting. <br />These guidelines are not intended to in any way restrict Councilmembers from organizing and/or <br />holding their own Town Hall or Community Meetings to address the needs of their constituents, <br />which do not require staff involvement other than room reservations and room set-up by on-duty <br />Facility staff, unless so approved by the City Manager. These meetings shall not involve over- <br />time assignments of City staff. <br />Guidelines: <br />Planning/Or~anization <br />• Planning should start approximately eight weeks in advance. The Councilmember will <br />work with the City Manager and Community Relations Representative to determine the <br />date for the meeting and develop an agenda. Staff availability and other meetings will be <br />considered when setting the date. <br />• Each Councilmember will be limited to one Town Hall or City-sponsored Community <br />Meeting per year. The City Manager will determine the minimum level of personnel to <br />be in attendance from required departments. Whenever possible, a Department Head will <br />attend to address a department matter on the agenda. <br />• As a standard, the Police Chief, Captain, or Lieutenant will attend to answer questions <br />regarding community compliance and crime, unless otherwise agreed. <br />• As a standard, the Engineering and Transportation Director, the City Engineer, the <br />Principal Engineer, or the Senior Traffic Engineer will attend to answer questions <br />regarding traffic, unless otherwise agreed. <br />• Meetings are generally held in the evenings and are scheduled to last 90 minutes. <br />• Meetings are generally held at a local school, church, or community center. <br />• The Community Relations Representative will develop a flyer, and distribute it to the <br />public via direct mail to target neighborhoods, distribute it to elementary schools, or <br />publish it in the San Leandro Times. <br />• The Community Relations Representative will secure the meeting space, and work with <br />the on-site Facility Manager to set up the room and provide refreshments and logistics. <br />• Printing, mailing, refreshments, and room rental costs, if any, are paid out of the Council <br />District budget. <br />