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3. Technical Studies: Based on LSA's initial review of the project, one additional technical <br />study will be needed to adequately address the following disciplines under the California <br />Environmental Quality Act: <br />a. Cultural and Paleontological Resources. LSA will conduct a records search of <br />documents on file at the Northwest Information Center (KWIC) of the California <br />Historical Resources Information System. Archaeological, ethnographic, and <br />historical publications and maps at LSA and cultural resource inventories will also <br />be reviewed. LSA will also contact the Native American Heritage Commission in <br />Sacramento for the following. (I) a review of the sacred lands file to determine if <br />the project area contains any listed sites; and (2) a list of Native American contacts <br />who may have information or concerns about the project area. Local Native <br />Americans on that list will be contacted by letter and/or telephone to inquire about <br />any concerns or information they may have. <br />b. LSA will conduct a literature and map review for paleontological resources. <br />Relevant documents will be reviewed as necessary, at LSA, and the University of <br />California, Berkeley. LSA will also conduct a fossil locality search using the <br />Berkeley Natural History Museum online database, specifically the data of the <br />University of California Museum of Paleontology (UCMP). In addition, a field <br />study will be conducted consisting of an on-foot survey of the study area <br />c. Based on the above-described research, literature review, and field survey, LSA <br />will prepare a cultural and paleontological resources analysis for incorporation into <br />the Initial Study. The analysis will document the background research, study <br />methods, consultation, research, field findings, and recommendations for the <br />treatment of cultural and paleontological resources that may be present. <br />Identification of cultural resources is not anticipated as a result of the archival and field <br />study. In the event that any cultural resources are identified, a contract change order will <br />be negotiated to document and report on the resource(s) as required by the State Office of <br />Historic Preservation. <br />4. Prepare Administrative Draft Initial Study: An Administrative Draft of the Initial Study <br />will be prepared. LSA will recommend mitigation measures as necessary to <br />avoid/minimize potential environmental impacts. The Initial Study document will be <br />based on the CEQA Checklist (Appendix G of the CEQA Guidelines) and the City's <br />Environmental Review Guidelines. LSA will respond to and evaluate each factor from <br />the checklist. Environmental analysis will be based on available information and <br />additional technical studies, as described above in Task 3-B-3 <br />5. Prepare Public Review Draft Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration: LSA will <br />revise the Administrative Draft Initial Study based on comments provided by City staff. <br />A Mitigated Negative Declaration, if required, will be prepared and attached to the <br />accompanying revised Initial Study for distribution to the public and agencies. A total of <br />20 copies of the documents will be provided for City use, along with one copy suitable <br />for reproduction. It is anticipated that the City will be responsible for publication of all <br />notices and distribution of the document to the State Clearinghouse. <br />Consulting Services Agreement between 593-52-121 <br />City of San Leandro and C+D Infrastructure Engineers Exhibit A Page 17 <br />