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6. Attend Public Meetings/Hearings: LSA will attend one public hearing for the City's <br />consideration/adoption of the CEQA document. <br />7. Response to Comments/Mitigation Monitoring Program: LSA will respond to agency <br />and public comments about the contents of the Initial Study/Mitigated Negative <br />Declaration. We propose that the final responses to these comments be provided in a <br />memo addressed to the City. If a large number of substantive comments are received <br />requiring more than the budget allocated below, additional budget will be requested. <br />LSA will prepare a Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program as needed, for any <br />mitigation measures that are to be adopted as part of the final project. The MMRP will be <br />submitted with the Administrative Draft Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration. <br />Task 4: Civil and Structural Construction Administration <br />1. Review of submittals <br />2. Respond to RFI's <br />3. Prepare record drawings based on mark-up drawings prepared by contractor <br />4. Site visits <br />City Tasks: <br />1. Provide additional as-built drawings (railway crossing) <br />2. Procure ACFC&WCD Encroachment permit <br />3. Procure Union Pacific Permit <br />4. Provide all related CEQA & permit filing fees <br />5. Publication & distribution of environmental documents <br />6. Provide standard front end specifications <br />Product <br />1. Memo format of Evaluation of alternatives and recommendations: types of restrained <br />and flexible joints, types of pipe; types of coupling joints etc. <br />2. Draft Initial Study <br />3. CEQA determination document <br />4. Prepared CDPG application and supporting documentation <br />5. Updated estimate of construction probable costs <br />6. Construction Documents: <br />80 % submittal (1 sets of plans, 1 set of specifications; both in electronic format <br />• Final Submittal (1 set of plans, signed mylar plus electronic file of plans and <br />specifications, signed cover page to Technical Specifications) <br />Specifications shall be in word format. <br />Plans and drawings shall be in latest AutoCAD version <br />Consulting Services Agreement between 593-52-121 <br />City of San Leandro and C+D Infrastructure Engineers Exhibit A Page 18 <br />