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,. EXHI8IT A <br />NL4RINA SQUARE AUTO CENTER READER BOARD PROPERTY DESCRIPTION <br />CITY OF SAN LEANDRO TO CITY OF SAN LEANDRO REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY <br />A portion of that real property situate in the City of San Leandro, County of Alameda, State of California <br />as described in Reel 1875, page 958 Records of Alameda County, being more particularly described as <br />follows: <br />COM1vIENCING at the most westerly corner of said property; <br />THENCE, along the southwesterly boundary of said property, South 46° 42' 09" East a distance of <br />100.56; <br />Thence, departing said boundary, North 43° 17' S1" East a distance of 15.39 feet to the POINT OF <br />BEGINNING; <br />Thence, North 48° 36' S2" East a distance of 31.05 feet; <br />Thence, South 40° 23' 08" East a distance of 16.15 feet; <br />Thence, South 48° 36' S2" West a distance of 31.05 feet; <br />Thence, North 40° 23' 08" West a distance of 16.15 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING; <br />Containing 501.38 square feet, more or less; <br />The northerly line of Aladdin Avenue, taken as North 61° 53' 18" East is the Basis of Bearing for this <br />description. <br />End of Description. <br />~a ~tiN o S~9 <br />.5~~,~ GAC~ s LFs. <br />~ ~ ~9~ p <br />o. 7125 <br />* 2.31-9~ ~ <br />sl ~.< <br />-7~~OF C^`\~~2 <br />Gregory G. Short <br />Licensed Surveyor No. 7125 <br />