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10A Action 2009 0720
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Agenda Packets
Packet 2009 0720
10A Action 2009 0720
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7/17/2009 10:20:44 AM
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7/17/2009 10:20:12 AM
CM City Clerk-City Council
CM City Clerk-City Council - Document Type
Staff Report
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Tenth Amendment to Franchise Agreement <br />Page 2 <br />4. Effective July 1, 2010, the Revenue Neutrality payment specified in Section 3.5 of the Agreement, <br />shall be adjusted on July 1 of each year to be equal to the sum of the per ton franchise fee and the <br />per ton business license fee to be paid by the Davis Street Transfer Station on July 1 of that year. <br />5. Effective July 1, 2010, the MRF Permit Fee and the Residue Fee paid by ACI shall be adjusted by <br />the Consumer Price Index (CPI) on July 1 of each year of the Agreement. ACI shall use the <br />average change in CPI for the previous calendar year to calculate the adjustment. <br />6, Effective July 1, 2010, ACI shall collect household batteries from all recycling cart customers. To <br />insure collection, customers shall place batteries in a sealed bag on top of their cart for weekly <br />collection. The City of San Leandro shall pay for the cost to recycle Alkaline and Pile Lithium <br />batteries. In addition, ACI shall collect latex paint, electronic waste and appliances containing freon <br />from single-family and multi-family households as part of the Annual Bulky Goods service as <br />specified in Sections 4.6 and 4.7 of the Agreement. <br />7. ACI shall design and print an informational brochure that identifies all of the services available to <br />single-family households. The City and ACI will share the cost equally of mailing the brochure to <br />every single-family household by August 1, 2010. <br />8, Effective February 1, 2010, ACI shall provide debris box service for garbage to the City at a 60% <br />discount from the published debris box rates, <br />Effective July 1, 2010, and each July 1 thereafter, ACI shall share revenues on the sale of <br />recyclable materials with ratepayers in the form of a ratepayer credit. Revenue from the sale of all <br />recyclable materials processed at the 610 Aladdin facility, as identified from the Contractor's <br />audited financial statements for the previous fiscal year, will be divided by the total tons of such <br />materials during the same period, to determine the average price per ton. The average price per <br />ton shall then be multiplied by those tons attributable to the City to establish the total dollar amount <br />of revenue ("San Leandro Revenue") shared by ACI and ratepayers. If the average price per ton <br />exceeds $26, then the ratepayer credit will equal 25% of the San Leandro Revenue. If the average <br />price per ton exceeds $80, then the ratepayer credit will equal 75% of the San Leandro Revenue. <br />The ratepayer credit will then be determined by taking the dollar value of the ratepayer share and <br />dividing it by the total dollar value of all franchised revenue for the previous fiscal year to determine <br />a percentage decrease in rates for the subsequent fiscal year. The ratepayer credit is not <br />cumulative and will be recalculated each year. The annual revenue share shall be contingent upon <br />all bank covenant calculations being met. In the event bank covenants are not met, the revenue <br />share for that rate year shall be forgone. <br />10. Except as amended, the Agreement and all of its previously approved amendments, and <br />unamended terms and provisions shall remain in full force and effect. <br />
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