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CITY OF SAN LEA~IDRO <br />MEMORANDUM <br />Date: June 29, 2009 <br />To: Business and Housing Development Committee <br />From: Steve Hollister, City Manager <br />Via: Luke Sims, Community Development Director <br />Cynthia Battenberg, Business Development Manager <br />By: Elmer Penaranda, Senior Development Project Specialist <br />Subject: DISCUSSION REGARDING RECOMMENDATION FOR COMPOSITION OF <br />THE NEW REDEVELOPMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE (RAC) <br />In October 2008, the Redevelopment Agency/City Council by various resolutions, discontinued <br />the West San Leandro/MacArthur Boulevard (WSL) and Alameda County-City of San Leandro <br />(Joint) Redevelopment Advisory Committees (RACs) and approved the formation of a new <br />Redevelopment Advisory Committee that would provide input to the WSL, Joint and the Plaza <br />project areas and on housing set-aside funds on a quarterly basis. <br />In order to select a diverse group of stakeholders, the City's outreach efforts included written <br />notices to business and property owners within the project areas, and residents living within 500 <br />feet of the project areas. In addition, press releases were distributed and an advertisement placed <br />in the local paper. Information was also placed on City's website and notices were sent to <br />homeowners associations, business associations, Chamber of Commerce, individuals suggested <br />by City Council members, and to housing experts. Applications were also sent to the former <br />members of the discontinued WSL and Joint RACs. <br />Seventy-one applications were received of which three were late and five did not qualify. The <br />applicant names were forwarded to the City Council in April, and copies of the applications were <br />forwarded to the Screening/Interview Panel, consisting of Mayor Santos and staff from the City <br />Manager's Office and the Office of Business Development. The panel rnet on April 27 and <br />reviewed the applications with the goal of city-wide representation, participation of new and long <br />term members of the community, individuals who have participated in City committees before <br />and new people who want to get involved. At that meeting the panel agreed on the property <br />owner, business owner and housing representatives. The panel decided to interview three to five <br />residents from each project area as many of the candidates were unknown by the panel. <br />Interviews were held on May 22 and June 3 and based on the quality of the candidates, the panel <br />is recommending the following candidates, which includes two at-large residential <br />representatives. <br />