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DRAFT MIlV[JTES Page 10 <br />City of San Leandro City Council and San Leandro Redevelopment Agency Joint Meeting-July 6, 2009 <br />Mayor Santos reported on the League of California Cities' Water Task Force, which has <br />been meeting weekly. The Water Task Force has been working to update the water <br />guidelines, on which Mayor Santos first worked in 1988. <br />B. Reports on Conferences and Seminars <br />Mayor Santos reported on his recent trip to the U.S. Conference of Mayors. He reported <br />on several subjects, including the push to support Chicago's bid for the 2016 Olympics; <br />Walmart's $2.5 million in grants to cities; green jobs; vacant and abandoned properties; <br />and the Mayors for Peace program, of which he is a member. He issued a resolution, <br />affirming the role of cities in achieving a peaceful world free of nuclear weapons by <br />2020. Mayor Santos reported that White House staff did not show up for their meeting <br />on a local labor issue, which was disconcerting to the mayors in attendance. <br />C. Reports on Empowerment Funds <br />Councihnember Reed reported that she made the following contributions from her <br />Community Empowerment Funds: <br />• $500 to DCARA for its deaf self-sufficiency program; <br />• $600 to the San Leandro High School Football team for the purchase of uniforms; <br />and <br />• $150 to Stepping Stones for program support. <br />Councilmember Souza. reported that she contributed $200 from her Community <br />Empowerment Funds to the San Leandro Education Foundation (SLED). <br />Mr. Hollister stated that he would provide a report to the Council on the Community <br />Empowerment Fund program. <br />D. Reports on City Council Committees <br />1. Facilities and Transportation Committee Meeting of June 9, 2009. Accepted as <br />submitted. <br />Vice Mayor Starosciak commented on the item regarding the I-880 Marina Traffic <br />Impact Fee. She noticed that the impact area includes only one side of East 14~` <br />Street and one side of Davis Street, and she suggested that the Council consider <br />the justification for including only one side of these streets rather than both sides. <br />Mr. Hollister stated that staff would look into this and report back to the Council. <br />12. CITY COUNCTI. COMMENTS <br />Councihnember Reed provided the Council with a copy of an article, entitled "Instant Runoff <br />Voting in the United States," which describes problems with the system. Councilmember <br />