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Agmt 2008 California State Coastal Conservancy
City Clerk
City Council
Agmt 2008 California State Coastal Conservancy
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i ~ <br />•• <br />recommendation refers to 22 treatment sites. However, after the June authorization, one <br />of the 22 sites was split into 2 sites for ease of treatment management while another site <br />dropped out bringing the total again to 22 sites (the original treatment sites). On May 24, <br />2007, the Conservancy authorized a redirection of funds for treatment activities along the <br />Petaluma River (see Exhibit 9, May 24, 2007 Staff Recommendation), thus resulting in <br />23 treatment sites for 2007. The North San Pablo Bay site has been added as a new <br />treatment site for 2008, increasing the total to 24 treatment sites for 2008. <br />The Conservancy's June 16, 2005 authorization (Exhibit 2) included consideration and <br />review of the site specific plans for each of the 22 original treatment sites for activities <br />through 2007. The May 24, 2007 authorization (Exhibit 3) included consideration and <br />review of the one-year site-specific plan for treatment of the Petaluma River site. Based <br />on this information, staff recommended and the Conservancy found that the <br />environmental effects associated with each of these treatment projects and the required <br />mitigation to reduce those effect to less than significant level had been fully considered <br />under the Conservancy-certified (See Exhibit 1) programmatic "Final Programmatic <br />Environmental Impact Staternent/Environmental Impact Report, San Francisco Estuary <br />Invasive Spartina Project: Spartina Control Program" (FEIS/R) prepared for the ISP <br />Control Program pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and that <br />no new mitigation measures were required. <br />The three-year updated site-specific plans and mitigation matrices for activities through <br />2010 for all of these 23 sites (original treatment sites plus Petaluma River site) are <br />attached (See Exhibit 8). These plans have not changed substantially in nature, extent, <br />duration or scope since 2005 for the original treatment sites, and since 2007 for the <br />Petaluma River site, with the exception of some additional sub-areas added as new plants <br />were found. Overall, treatment and potential impacts are reduced because of successful <br />treatment in the prior three years. <br />Since the projects, including potential environmental effects and mitigation measures, <br />remain unchanged, the proposed authorization remains consistent with the CEQA finding <br />adopted by the Conservancy in connection with the June 16, 2005 authorization for the <br />22 original treatment sites and with the May 24 2007 authorization for the Petaluma <br />River site. No further environmental documentation for these treatment activities is <br />.required. <br />The ISP will coordinate one new site-specific treatment and control project, the <br />aforementioned North San Pablo Bay site, for which asite-specific plan and mitigation <br />matrix, identifying the potential impacts and necessary mitigation measures associated <br />with the site-specific activities, have been prepared (Exhibits 6 and 7). This project <br />likewise falls under the FEIS/R. The FEIS/R was adopted by the Conservancy through <br />its September 25, 2003 resolution certifying the EIR (Exhibit 1) and is available for <br />review at the offices of the Conservancy and at <br />The FEIS/R is a programmatic Environmental Impact Report (Section 15168 of the <br />CEQA Guidelines, 14 Cal. Code of Regulations, Sections 15000 et seq., hereafter <br />"Guidelines") in that it analyzes the potential effects of implementing treatment methods <br />for a regional program rather than the impacts of a single individual project. This <br />program-level EIS/R identifies mitigation measures that will be applied to reduce or <br />~~~~~~ <br />
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