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~ ; <br />~_. . t y• <br />eliminate impacts at specific treatment locations under a wide range of potential <br />conditions and a variety of treatment modalities. The Conservancy may use the FEIS/R as <br />a basis for "tiered" CEQA review and approval of individual treatment projects under the <br />Control Program, including the new treatment proposed by this staff recommendation. <br />A subsequent activity that follows under a program EIR that has been assessed pursuant <br />to CEQA must be examined in the light of the program EIR to determine whether an <br />additional environmental document must be prepared. If the agency proposing the later <br />activity finds that its effects and required mitigation to reduce those effects were already <br />identified and considered under the program EIR, the activity can be approved with no <br />further environmental documentation (CEQA Guidelines, Section 151168 (c)). The <br />Guidelines suggest the use of a written checklist or similar device to document the <br />evaluation of the activity to determine whether the environmental effects of the operation <br />were covered in the program EIR. <br />The new North San Pablo Bay treatment project has a prepared site-specific plan, <br />describing the site and identifying the precise treatment activities proposed (Exhibit 6). In <br />addition, it has been assessed by use of a checklist matrix to determine whether the <br />effects of those activities and the mitigation required have been considered by the FEIS/R <br />(Exhibit 7). <br />As this documentation demonstrates, the program FEIS/R did fully consider all of the <br />potential environmental effects associated with the project and there are no new <br />mitigation measures beyond those imposed by the FEIS/EIR that are required for the new <br />treatment activities on the North San Pablo Bay site. Conservancy staffthus recommends <br />that the Conservancy adopt a finding to that effect. <br />~~~`~ <br />