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City of San Leandro <br />Grant Agreement No. OS-012, Amendment No. 2 <br />Page 3 <br />AUTHORIZATION <br />Replace the first sentence of the first paragraph of this section with a sentence to read as follows: <br />"The signature of the Executive Officer of the Conservancy on this agreement and on <br />subsequent amendments certifies that at its June 16, 2005, Apri127, 2006, March 8, 2007, <br />and Apri124, 2008 meetings the Conservancy adopted the resolutions included in the staff <br />recommendations attached as Exhibits 2, 3, 4, and 5." <br />PROJECT OR SITE COMPLETION <br />Replace the sentence in numbered paragraph 2 of this section with a sentetce to read as follows: <br />"A final site or sub-site report, detailing the activities undertaken and documenting the <br />completion of the project or the completion of all activities for the site or sub-site under the <br />site specific plan and work program, including acreages treated, maps showing the <br />boundaries of treated areas, and photographs documenting the implementation of the required <br />treatment." <br />EXHIBIT 5 <br />Exhibit 5, attached to this amendment, is incorporated into the agreement. <br />All other terms and conditions of the existing agreement shall remain in effect. <br />