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Exhibit 8: Updated Site-specific Invasive Spartina Control <br />Plans and Mitigation Matrices for 22 Sites <br />Previously Treated <br />Exhibit 9: May 24, 2007 Staff Recommendation <br />RESOLUTION AND FINDINGS: <br />Staff recommends that the State Coastal Conservancy adopt the following resolution <br />pursuant to Chapter 4.5 of Division 21 of the Public Resources Code: <br />"The State Coastal Conservancy hereby authorizes the following: <br />1. Acceptance of an augmentation in the amount of $249,425 (two hundred forty-nine <br />thousand four hundred twenty-five dollars) to the existing grant to the Conservancy <br />from the Wildlife Conservation Board (WCB) to implement the Invasive Spartina <br />Project (ISP) Control Program for 2008. <br />2. Disbursement of up to $223,152 (two hundred twenty-three thousand one hundred <br />fifty-two dollars) of Conservancy funding and up to $249,425 (two hundred forty- <br />nine thousand four hundred twenty-five dollars) of the WCB grant for invasive <br />Spartina treatment and eradication projects in 2008 and planning for such activities in <br />2009 under the ISP Control Program. Funds for treatment and eradication projects <br />may be used to supplement existing grants to the California Wildlife Foundation, <br />Friends of Corte Madera Creek Watershed, the East Bay Regional Park District, City <br />of Alameda, City of San Leandro, the San Mateo County Mosquito Abatement <br />District, the California Department of Parks and Recreation, and United States Fish <br />and Wildlife Service Don Edwards San Francisco Bay National Wildlife Refuge. Any <br />grant of funds for treatment and eradication shall be subject to the following <br />conditions: <br />a. Prior to disbursement of funds for treatment and eradication activities, there shall <br />be in place a fully executed amendment to the Memorandum of Understanding <br />between the Conservancy and WCB authorizing an augmentation of funding and <br />identifying the 2008 ISP Control Program activities as an addition to the <br />previously approved ISP project. <br />b. Prior to implementing any treatment and eradication project and prior to <br />disbursement of any funds to the grantee, the grantee shall submit for review and <br />approval of the Executive Officer a plan detailing the site-specific work for 2008, <br />based on the outcome and extent of the 2007 treatment and including a list of <br />identified mitigation measures, a work program for 2008 treatment and 2009 <br /> <br />~~ ~~~t . <br />