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City of San Leandro <br />Sewer System Management Plan <br />Volume I <br />City of San Leandro Sewer System Management Plan <br />City Service Area and Sewer System <br />The City of San Leandro (the City) is located in Alameda County and is surrounded by the City <br />of Oakland to the north, San Lorenzo and Hayward to the south, San Francisco Bay to the west, <br />with open space preserves and Castro Valley to the east. As of 2007, the City has a population of <br />approximately 86,000 based on estimates from the Metropolitan Transportation Commission and <br />the Association of Bay Area Governments. The City covers approximately 13 square miles with <br />a population density of 6,050 persons per square mile. The City is substantially built out and is <br />currently experiencing an overall decrease in industry over the last five years. <br />The City's sewer system consists of approximately125 miles of pipe, ranging from 6 inches to 42 <br />inches in diameter, and 13 remote lift stations. The sewers in the City system range in age from <br />new to over 70 years old. The oldest sewers are located in the northeastern portion of the City <br />from the Oakland city limits to Castro Street roughly between the Southern Pacific Railroad and <br />MacArthur Boulevard. This portion includes the downtown area and the oldest residential areas <br />of the City. <br />The City maintains roughly two thirds of the sewers within the City limits, primarily serving the <br />northern portion of the City. The remainder of the City is served by the Oro Loma Sanitary <br />District. The sewage from the City sewer system is conveyed to and treated at the San Leandro <br />Water Pollution Control Plant (WPCP). <br />The treatment plant produces high quality secondary effluent at a rate of 6.1 million gallons per <br />day (mgd). An average of 4 dry tons of biosolids suitable for recycling are removed from the <br />plant treatment process each day. <br />Section 1-Goals <br />The goal of this SSMP is to characterize the programs the City has implemented to properly <br />manage, operate, and maintain all parts of the City's sanitary sewer collection system in order to <br />reduce and prevent Sanitary Sewer Overflows (SSOs) as well as mitigate any SSOs that do <br />occur. Accordingly, the SSMP is intended to satisfy the requirements of both SWRCB Order No. <br />2006-0003, as well as the RWQCB. These Orders are attached as Appendices A and B, <br />respectively. The goals the City has established for itself are to: <br />• Provide a safe work environment for our employees <br />• Eliminate preventable SSOs <br />• Understand the condition of and maintain our infrastructure to maximize the life of the <br />collection system <br />• Operate and maintain our system to minimize impacts on our customers <br />• Be a part of the community and be a responsive public agency <br />• Involve our employees in the strategic planning process for the collection system <br />F'a~e ~9 <br />