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Reso 2009-115
City Clerk
City Council
Reso 2009-115
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Last modified
7/23/2009 11:31:20 AM
Creation date
7/23/2009 11:31:18 AM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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City of San Leandro <br />Sewer System Management Plan <br />Volume I <br />Regulations pertaining to the design, construction, and inspection of private sewer systems, <br />building sewers, and connections are included in the Municipal Code. Permits are required prior <br />to construction of any private sewage disposal system. (A permit is also required prior to <br />constructing a building or lateral sewer or connecting to a public sewer.) The permit application <br />includes a review of plans and specifications by the City. Construction Requirement requires <br />construction of building sewers be in accordance with county and city requirements and be <br />inspected prior to acceptance by the City. <br />Section 4 -Operations and Maintenance Program <br />Introduction <br />The City has a proactive maintenance management program for routine maintenance including <br />routine cleaning and root treatments, a customer service response program to address service <br />calls and customer complaints, an emergency program for responding to any sewer system <br />related overflows (SSOs), an inspection and condition assessment program for monitoring the <br />condition of the City's sanitary sewer assets including CCTV sewer inspections and visual <br />inspections of manholes and related structures, and a monitoring tracking and reporting system. <br />The City uses the ICOM3 infrastructure program management system to facilitate each of the <br />maintenance and operation programs including computerized maintenance management. <br />Program Management Objectives <br />1. Track, record and describe maintenance and repairs performed. <br />2. Establish and schedule a predictive, preventive and routine maintenance program. <br />3. Establish a program to monitor for and to schedule a corrective maintenance and repair <br />program. <br />4. Establish, maintain and update schedules prioritizing necessary and appropriate repairs. <br />5. Provide adequate information for system operational planning. <br />6. Provide status reports for supervision and compliance monitoring. <br />7. Be in a format that integrates electronically with the City's GIS. <br />The maintenance management system is used for maintenance planning, scheduling, and <br />tracking of collection system maintenance activities. The system is being configured for <br />optimizing the City's maintenance workflows to provide the City with proactive operations and <br />maintenance work management, long-range condition and criticality assessment capabilities, and <br />an approach to maximizing the useful life of assets to ensure that the Collection and Conveyance <br />System will be in a sound, proper and well-maintained condition on a continuing basis. <br />I~a~~ ~ . <br />
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