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City of San Leandro <br />Sewer System Management Plan <br />Volume I <br />maintenance projects and CIP activities. The planner allows users to select sets of assets from the <br />map or from a query and assign frequencies by maintenance activity. Planned maintenance <br />activities can be grouped logically by geographic area, project, activity type or priority and <br />displayed on the map or in an organized list view. <br />They provide all personnel of the Water Pollution Control Plant with information on the initial <br />and ongoing problems being generated in the system, and further bring engineering, maintenance <br />and fmancial resources into a mutually supported action plan designed for timely decisions and <br />actions to address corrective needs of the system and achieve the compliance goals of the SSMP. <br />The action plan being described allows timely attainment of plan objectives to ultimately reach <br />the original goals of the program. <br />Maintenance Management and Work Orders <br />The system facilitates issuing, both electronically and on paper, copies of all work orders for <br />activities planned and scheduled in the system. Work orders are issued for all maintenance <br />management activities, inspections, customer service calls, and SSO responses. This includes <br />issuing work orders for both scheduled and unscheduled inspections, cleaning, and other <br />maintenance activities. <br />Forms <br />Work order forms are used for <br />^ Routine cleaning (hydro-flushing, rodding) <br />^ CCTV inspection (condition assessment, construction inspection) <br />^ FOG activities <br />^ Repairs, refurbishments and replacements <br />^ Manhole/structure inspections <br />^ Service calls <br />^ SSO reporting <br />Sewer Cleaning <br />Cleaning is the City's primary sewer maintenance activity. The City has both frequent, focused <br />cleaning as well as cyclic cleaning for pipes not on the focused cleaning schedule. <br />The City is currently on a one-year schedule to inspect and clean each public main within the <br />City's sphere of influence. Areas that have known problems such as excessive grease buildup or <br />odor problems are cleaned on a much more frequent basis based on the experience history. <br />Excessive grease buildup in City mains is also addressed through our FOG program, both <br />through inspection and enforcement for commercial/industrial dischargers and through public <br />outreach in residential areas. Areas where we have root intrusion are identified through routine <br />cleaning and through video inspection of the system. These are maintained with conventional <br />methods and a chemical root abatement program. Presently these identified problem areas are <br />~~~~ ~ ~~ <br />