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in accordance with such provisions and within such time periods, subject to the terms and <br />conditions set forfh herein. <br />F. In connection with this Agreement: (i) Developer shall execute such <br />documentation as Agency shall reasonably require in connection with Project predevelopment <br />financing, including without limitation a promissory note ("Predevelopment Note") and an <br />assignment of plans, specifications and contracts ("Assignment Agreement''); and (ii) upon <br />Developer's acquisition of a leasehold interest in the Property, Developer shall execute (a) a <br />secured promissory note (the "Note'') which shall replace the Predevelopment Note and shall be <br />in the amount of the additional funds to be advanced for the construction/permanentIoan <br />together with the balance outstanding under the Predevelopment Note, (b) a Leasehold Deed of <br />Trust, Assignment of Rents, Security Agreement and Fixture Filing ("Deed of Trust") which <br />shall provide Agency with a security interest in the Project and Developer's leasehold interest in <br />the Property, and (c) an Affordable Housing Regulatory Agreement and Declaration of <br />Restrictive Covenants ("Regulatory AgreemenY') which shall require Project rents to be <br />affordable to low-, very low-, and moderate-income households for a term of not less than fifty- <br />five (55) years. The Deed of Trust and the Regulatory Agreement shall be recorded against the <br />Property and the Project. This Agreement, the Predevelopment Note, the Assignment <br />Agreement, the Note> the Deed of Trust, and the Regulatory Agreement are collectively <br />hereinafter referred to as the "Agency Documents-" <br />G The City, acting as the lead agency, reviewed and approved a mitigated negative <br />declaration for the Project on March 2, 2009. On March 2, 2009; the City approved the Project <br />Vesting Tentative Map and adopted a related Mitigation Monitoring Program. Prior to taking <br />action on this Agreement, the Agency considered the approved mitigated negative declaration for <br />the Project as required by Section 15096 of Title 14 of the California Code of Regulations. Tn <br />addition, the Project was considered in connection with the Final Environmental Impact Reporf <br />for the Downtown San Leandro Transit-Oriented Development Strategy certified by the City <br />Council pursuant to Resolution 2b07-1 ] ] adopted on September 4, 2007. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants contained herein and <br />good and valuable consideration the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, <br />the Parties agree as follows. <br />ARTICLE I <br />DEFINITIONS <br />] . Definitions. The following terms shall have the meanings set forth in the Sections <br />referenced below whenever used in this Agreement and the Exhibits attached hereto. Additional <br />terms are defined in the Recitals and text of this Agreement. <br />] _1 "Agency Documents" is defined in Recital F. <br />1.2 "Assignment Agreement" is defined in Recital F. <br />l .3 "Certificate of Completion" is defined in Section 3.15. <br />ri~s9s~-a 4 <br />