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The Project will consist of the design, development and construction on the Property of a <br />100-unit multi-family residential project that will include four (4) dwelling units that will he <br />accessible to persons with disabilities; common areas including alobby, amulti-purpose room <br />with kitchen, outdoor common area, and a children's play area; podium parking consisting of <br />approximately l00 spaces; bicycle storage; laundry facilities; a management office; landscaping; <br />and may include a childcare facility (all of the foregoing are collectively hereinafter referred to <br />as the "Improvements"). <br />Notwithstanding an~rthing to the contrary contained herein, the construction of the Project <br />is expressly conditioned upon compliance with CEQA. No plrysical activity, not otherwise <br />exempt from CEQA, shall commence on the Property without CEQA compliance. <br />3.3 Affordable Housing. Developer covenants and agrees for itself, its successors and <br />assigns that upon Developer's acquisition of a leasehold interest in the Property, Developer's <br />leasehold interest in the Property will be subjected to recorded covenants that will restrict use of <br />the Property to development of a residential project that includes affordable housing, and that for <br />a term of not less than fifty-five (55) years commencing upon the issuance of a final certificate of <br />occupancy for the Project, not less than forty-nine (~9) of the residential units in the Project shall <br />be rented at an affordable cost to households who qualify as Very l.ow Income (as defined in the <br />Regulatory Agreement) and not less than an additional fifty (50) of the residential units in the <br />Project shall be rented at an affordable cost to households whose income is less than or equal to <br />ninety percent (90%) of Area Median Income (as defined in the Regulatory Agreement) in <br />accordance with the terms hereof and the Regulatory Agreement which the Parties shall execute <br />substantially in the form attached hereto as Exhibit D, and which shall be recorded in the Official <br />Records upon Developer's acquisition of a leasehold interest in the Property_ One unit in the <br />Project may be reserved as a manager's unit and will not be subject toincome-eligibility <br />requirements or rent restrictions. Developer agrees that throughout the term of the Regulatory <br />Agreement, the fee title to the Property shall not merge with the leasehold interest in the Ground <br />Lease, notwithstanding any union of such estates in the fee owner of the Property, Developer, or <br />any third party. Developer agrees that if Developer becomes the fee owner of the Property, the <br />Regulatory Agreement shall automatically be an encumbrance on such Property. <br />3.3.1 Preference for San Leandro Residents and Employees. In order to ensure <br />that there is an adequate supply of affordable housing within the City of San Leandro for <br />residents and employees of businesses within the City, to the extent permitted bylaw and <br />consistent with the program regulations for funding sources used for development of the Project, <br />during initial lease up of the Project, Developer shall give a preference in the rental of the <br />residential units in the Project to eligible households that include at least one member who lives <br />or works in the City of San Leandro. Developer agrees to use targeted marketing to local <br />residents and employees to increase awareness of the availability of units in the Project, <br />including without limitation, advertising in local media such as the Sort Leandro Times and ]ocal- <br />serving bilingual media and undertaking outreach to the San Leandro Unified School District, <br />City employees and the San Leandro Chamber of Commerce. <br />3.3.2 Reserved. <br />]17R9R6-8 <br />