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Minutes 1997 0519
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City Council
Minutes 1997 0519
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7/29/2009 10:28:20 AM
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CM City Clerk-City Council
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Minutes - City of San Leandro City Council, Page - 4 - <br />San Leandro Redevelopment Agency, and San Leandro <br />Public Financing Authority Joint Meeting - May 19, 1997 <br />Stanley Panko, 411 Borel Ave., Suite 520, San Mateo, addressed the <br />Council, noting that he is available for questions. It was noted that <br />he is currently in negotiations with the owner of 1170 Clarke Street, <br />but they have not reached a conclusion as of yet. It would be their <br />intent to use the parcel to carry the driveway through and to pick up <br />additional parking. He further noted that the project has been designed <br />at the maximum efficiency, and they are asking that the project be <br />approved on its current merits. <br />Council Member Lothrop clarified that the driveway and pathway would be <br />two different materials. <br />Council Member Glaze clarified that they would acquire the property at <br />1170 Clarke Street for additional parking and access to Clarke Street. <br />Council Member Young clarified that they have not committed to any <br />leases for the building at this point, but their intent is to lease to <br />various types of uses. <br />The Hearing was then opened to the public. <br />Robert Pinson, 340 Arroyo Avenue, addressed the Council, expressing <br />concerns with eucalyptus trees falling and related an experience where <br />one had fallen into his yard. He noted that he had lived there for over <br />20 years, complained of noise from the Elks` Lodge, and added that the <br />noise from Kragen Auto Parts was much worse. He stated that, if this <br />development is going to proceed, there should be a sound wall along the <br />creek so all the people on Arroyo and Toler can enjoy the use of their <br />property. We further expressed concerns with an increase in traffic <br />which will, in turn, create additional emissions from cars and trucks. <br />He feels a sound wall will stop that and would also stop the <br />contamination of the creek. He concluded by stating that the trees are <br />undermined in that area. <br />Steve Emslie, Planning Manager, commented that the property is being <br />rezoned to a Planned Development, which allows a certain level of review <br />that you wouldn't normally get. Through the Conditions on the Planned <br />Development, there could be notification of affected residents and an <br />opportunity for more review in order to involve the neighbors across the <br />street. <br />Council Member Glaze clarified that the uses permitted include intense <br />retail, restaurants, service commercial, etc. Council Member Glaze <br />suggested that in the future staff provide, as an attachment to the <br />staff report, a list of what the possible uses would be for the <br />property. <br />It was noted that there would be no Development Fees for Street <br />Improvements (DFSI) on this project. <br />Discussion ensued regarding concerns with eucalyptus trees, referring to <br />falling branches and the potential fire hazard. Concerns regarding the <br />stabilization of the creek bank were also expressed. <br />
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