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" ' Minutes - City of San Leandro City Council and Page - 11 - <br />San Leandro Redevelopment Agency Special Meeting - June 30, 1997 <br />5. OPEN FORUM <br />Open Forum is limited to 3 minutes maximum per speaker, 15 minutes total. <br />A. Lou Filipovich, 15376 Laverne Drive, addressed the Council, regarding <br />Measure "A," the school bond issue. He noted the "Yes" vote was 4,628 <br />and the "No" vote was 2,051. He stated that the last time the bond was <br />before the voters and it didn't pass, there were 9,600 "Yes" votes. <br />This time it was less than 7,000. <br />Mr. Filipovich also called to the Council's attention what he feels has <br />now become the ugliest street in San Leandro, Lewelling Boulevard from <br />Washington down to Wicks. He noted there are 57 signs on the north side <br />and 41 signs on the south side. He complained about the appearance of <br />the areas with those signs, as well as commenting that there are no <br />bicycles there, even though there are white lines there to designate a <br />lane. <br />Mr. Filipovich continued by stating it was old news when Boston Market <br />left town. He noted that, if the City wants them to come back to town, <br />they should guarantee them a spot in front of Walmart before the City of <br />Hayward does. <br />With regard to the Economic Development Marketing Plan, Mr. Filipovich <br />noted those monies will be coming from the General Fund. He noted that <br />anything that comes out of the development that comes through the <br />General Fund would have to have the voters' approval, whether it be <br />bonds, tax increases, or whatever. He referenced the DDA, stating it <br />is needed because of Redevelopment. He expressed concern with how <br />difficult it is to get information on Redevelopment monies and <br />expenditures. He asked how much taxpayer funding will be involved, <br />specifically with the Creekside project? <br />The City Manager responded that there will be no City funding. The land <br />is being sold to the developer. <br />Mr. Filipovich then questioned how the land is being sold? <br />The City Manager clarified that there will be no City financing. The <br />Redevelopment Agency owns the property. <br />B. Carey Walker, 471 Santa Monica, addressed the Council, regarding all the <br />money the Gity is giving away, questioning that it has to be coming from <br />somewhere. He feels Council needs to review Proposition 218, noting all <br />these proposed fees will not pass. <br />C. Larry Norry, 2532 Williams Street, addressed the Council with concerns <br />that he is not getting his mail, referencing Agendas and Minutes, in a <br />timely fashion. <br />The City Manager responded that today is the last day for the current <br />contractor for mail service. The mail he referenced will now be handled <br />locally. <br />